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  • Nice looking cite. Simple and colorful while being clean.

    I always run a validation on all the sites I review because it helps the user clean up code and prevent future troublee that will crop up because the site is “broken” inside. Not always does everything validate, but you learn to tell the difference. In this case, you have some things that need to be cleaned up and some broken pieces.

    According to the validation, you need to add some self-closing tags to your meta tags. While you might know how to do this, for others lurking, look in the header.php for meta and add a space and slash at the end of these lines ( " />). You will see others like this in your header too. Meta tags, image tags, anything that isn’t followed by a closing tag (</p>) needs to be “closed” by itself.

    Also, I found that you have the “masthead” in a table. I’m not sure why, but the table is borked and needs fixing, but I vote for complete removal and use of of CSS for styling, which would then help the page meet web standards. Tables are for data, like with the calendar in the sidebar, not for layout or design.

    Under Internal Links (which you might want to change the name on as it sounds funny, like “internal” as in “persona” instead of calling them Pages or Categories or something more specific), the “login” needs repairing as it doesn’t match the rest of the fonts and layout. Fixing the validation errors will probably fix that.

    Interesting use of color and very youthful and clean appearance. Nice. Just got to fix it up a little under the hood.

    Great design, Great content, Great blog! very cool. It’s got personality.


    I’d like to know what others think of this site:

    Thread Starter jhas


    Thanks Lorelle, that was really helpful. I’ve validated the site and found 41 errors, now there’s only 3 ??

    Always glad to help. A little prevention goes a long way.

    The three left are part of your music player, so that is new enough that it might never validate, but you should thoroughly check on what the “right” way to do this is for XHTML, if there is one yet, and what you have might be right but the validator hasn’t been upgraded to recognize it. When I first switched to CSS 2, it took a while for the validators to catch up and I kept double checking errors that weren’t…tedious stuff.

    Okay, now this time, your player is MUCH wider than the sidebar, so you might want to take a look at that, too.

    Slick site.

    Eliza: we tend to review sites within the same post, so if you would like your site reviewed, please post your own request in this, the YOUR WORDPRESS section and tell us a little about the site, what you expect from a review of your site (hard or soft) and the link. This keeps things from being confusing if I say something about your site and jhas thinks I’m talking about her site.

    I’ve found that links alone don’t seem to get many reviewers while a few comments about the purpose and request does.

    Thread Starter jhas


    I miss my old theme. Unfortunately last week, I was PMS-ing and my blog was the easy victim. All that’s left is a tiny screenshot for me to remember “baby’s breath” [that’s the name of the theme] by.

    Jhas…I love the blue. I was especially moved by your entry entitled “Getting There”. ??

    Thread Starter jhas


    Ok, I finally settled on the current look. It’s inspired by “Stucco” and “BlueHouse.” I call it BlueCrush. Any comments??

    Moodygirl: I was at your site and I now I have the embrace diversity web-band too.

    Is that a different background? Whatever you did, it looks GREAT. ??

    i couldn’t imagine that black and blue could work … until this

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