Hi @thommim,
Captcha crashes my forms.
Could you please explain further about the issue? Do you notice any error message? or the page doesn’t load? Is there a page URL that you could share where the issue occurs?
Do you know honeypot feature doesn’t work ?
Please do note that enabling Honeypot alone won’t be enough. Spammers will always find ways to baypass one set of spam prevent, you’ll need to make sure to enable mulitple methods such an setting up reCaptcha, Honeypot and also Anti Spam plugins.
I would also recommend you consider setting Anit spam plugins. Forminator offers integration with Akismet and CleanTalk, as outlined in the following documentation:
You can utilize any one of the above plugins, along with features such as Honeypot and Captcha within the form settings, to further minimize spam entries.
Please be aware that although these tools effectively reduce spam submissions, spam tactics are constantly evolving, and no solution can completely prevent spam; therefore, these configurations should be viewed as part of a broader prevention strategy.