• Hi, im building a select for filter my media library by DAY in the admin, i have this code but the line $wp_query->set(‘post_date’, $_GET[‘fecha_filter’]); not is working this is the code:

    add_filter('parse_query', 'node_admin_posts_filter');
    add_action('restrict_manage_posts', 'node_admin_posts_filter_restrict_manage_posts');
    function node_admin_posts_filter($wp_query)
        if (is_admin() && isset($_GET['fecha_filter']) && $_GET['fecha_filter'] != '') :
            $original_query = $wp_query;
            $wp_query->set('post_date', $_GET['fecha_filter']);
            $wp_query = $original_query;
    function node_admin_posts_filter_restrict_manage_posts()
        global $wpdb;
        $get_posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT($wpdb->posts.post_date,'%Y-%m-%d') AS niceDate FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_mime_type='application/pdf' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT($wpdb->posts.post_date, '%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY $wpdb->posts.post_date DESC");
        echo '<select name="fecha_filter">';
        echo '<option value="">Filtrado por día</option>';
        $current = isset($_GET['fecha_filter']) ? $_GET['fecha_filter'] : '';
        foreach ($get_posts as $get_post) :
            $select = null;
            if ($current == $get_post->niceDate) {
                $select = ' selected="selected"';
            echo '<option value="' . $get_post->niceDate . '" ' . $select . '>' . $get_post->niceDate . '</option>';
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