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    It can be done yes, but it’s a nightmare to do, and I do mean a nightmare, especially if you want it to look good in all browsers.

    I may be wrong but overhere, I hadn’t much troubles with it…
    Starting from the default kubrick-theme, which makes the menu out of nested UL, begin with the following adjustments in the CSS (I’ll just add to the existing rules), and tweak to make it look as you need:

    /* make a horizontal menu with vertical submenus */
    #sidebar li {float: left;}
    #sidebar li li {float: none;}

    /* make it a drop-down-menu */
    #sidebar li ul {display: none;}
    #sidebar li:hover ul {display: block;}

    As far as I know, this is not MSIE compliant (how could it, straight-forward as it is? MSIE seems to always need some additional techniques to efficiently waste our time), but at ALA ( ) you’ll find a more or less simple solution to it…


    … and the reason that it doesn’t work in IE is that the ‘wise’ bods at Microsoft decided that users wouldn’t need to :hover over anything other than links. It appears that they were wrong.

    There’s a cool Javascript workaround that fools IE into thinking that it supports hover … but I don’t bother. People should be using Firefox! Simple as that. ??


    yeah. On the other hand, something like 90+something percent of potential visitors don’t know what they don’t see.

    Consider giving them a hint (like, “you would have a menu if you would use a standard-compliant browser”)…

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