Horizontal trouble w/ New 3.0 Custom Menus
Creating a new theme which has its own built-in menus and the new 3.0 Menu system. Its own menus work great horizontal. When I use the New 3.0 Custom Menus it only appears vertical no matter what I do.
You can view the website and how custom menus are displayed wrong at:
https://webjunkdemo.com/gym/You can see the (working) built-in menu at:
https://webjunkdemo.com/cms/You can view the CSS code that should display horizontal at:
https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/1907832This is driving me crazy. Have tried many things including moving the menu function (webjunk_nav) around in header.php. Twentyten and other themes can display the menu horizontal but not mine!
Here is my function for the menu:
function webjunk_nav() {
if ( function_exists( ‘wp_nav_menu’ ) )
wp_nav_menu( ‘menu=main_nav&container_class=menu-header’ );
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