• Resolved davidmcc3


    Have used Duplicator many times on this site & others, and on this hosting (Certa with LiteSpeed).
    Want to update site (WordPress, Theme, Plugins), and always take a duplicate first.
    This time, Duplicator is giving a ‘Host build interrupt’ message.
    The file size is about 160meg, which I’ve reduced with the filter to about 100meg. DB is just under 15meg – have duplicated sites with larger files/dbs.

    Detail from Build Status is:
    Allowed Runtime: 2:01
    PHP Max Execution
    Time: 0 (default)
    Mode: is dynamic
    Server Status: 200 -OK
    Error Message:
    Request Timeout

    I’ve spoken with the hosting support – they’ve got admin login to the site – they are unable to create a full duplicate. This is what they said:

    “Upon checking we were able to create a backup of your database under the domain ‘thescissorman.co’ using Duplicator.

    But we were unable to create the entire backup of your website as we encountered the same error you encountered on your end.

    We followed all the possible fixes suggested by the plugin provider and still we couldn’t come to a possible fix.

    Upon further research, we could see that after the latest update of Duplicator most of the Free users were facing similar issues. They mentioned that the issue was fixed once they upgraded to a ‘Pro’ plan as per mentioned within Duplicator.

    It was also mentioned that most of the features started working without any issues after the upgrade.”

    max_execution_time is set to 10240 in cPanel

    Are you able to say where the problem might be?

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  • Hey @davidmcc3,

    Your host probably has begun to enforced strict IO settings limiting the process to complete…

    As far as this response:

    Upon further research, we could see that after the latest update of Duplicator most of the Free users were facing similar issues. They mentioned that the issue was fixed once they upgraded to a ‘Pro’ plan as per mentioned within Duplicator.

    This is news to us, especially in regards to “Most of the free users”… This seems a bit of stretch on their end. There have always been budget hosts that have very strict IO restrictions that even an 80MB file isn’t possible and tickets do come in from time to time from those hosts. However with a 1 million active installs and most of the free users claiming this as an issue is not true. If so then we would be flooded with tickets.

    Typically for super low-end budget hosts, we recommend users do a two-part install. Also on some hosts, if you try a second time the file-system will be cached from the previous run and the performance will increase (this is just how PHP works).

    Most likely the host has ratcheted down the ability for IO threads to complete in the 2-minute window they are allowing for connections to run, in order to get more users onto the server.

    The max_execution_time is strictly limited to PHP. If they have a cap on Apache then that can also kill the thread as it looks like it is the 2 min notice above. The problem is most likely with the host. We do have tests running on several shared hosts having success rates between 500MB and 2GB without issues and on VPS up to 4GB. While the Pro version does have threading and can handle the larger sizes, we still have seen the free version work very well on a wide range of shared hosting servers.

    Also, you can always try with an older version of the plugin if you want just check-out the change-log. Just be sure that you at least try the build a few times with each version due to the cache issue I mentioned earlier… In future versions of free, we do have plans for a new archive engine that will work better with these very restricted low-end hosts.


    Thread Starter davidmcc3


    Hi Cory
    Thanks for the quick and full reply.
    I’ve been using Duplicator with almost zero issues since 0.2.7, so it was a big surprise to have these problems.
    We moved hosting in August as our previous supplier was taken over by a much larger hosting group (Paragon), and the quality and level of support dropped dramatically. The new company, Certa, have been providing excellent support … so it’s disappointing to have these problems. The previous duplicate taken from this site before the last update, was a few weeks before we moved hosting!
    I checked the feedback for Duplicator (I always make checks when there’s an issue with a plugin), and couldn’t find any sign of a major problem … as you have confirmed.
    They are cheaper than the previous supply, but we’re not cost-driven … it’s service which is important. I’d hate to move again … but we’ll see how they respond when I get back to them.

    Thanks for the feedback! You technically shouldn’t have to move hosts. You can always do the two-part install and the process will still work the same…

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