• Resolved Tim Magee


    Good Morning,

    Recently I received an email from my WordPress website host saying that:
    Attention: Malicious Attempt to Access Your Hosting Account is Detected.

    We have put the following content into quarantine as we believe it contains
    viruses or other malicious code.
    ‘(decoded file [depth: 1])[Fingerprint Match]’:

    Since this happened someone has gained access to our site and regularly posts advertisements in our blog as blog posts. They are also able to post their blog roll in our sidebar.

    I have followed all of the advice in the WordPress forum for hacking including changing passwords for our account, our host, and the various hosting tools for PHP, FTP and SQL and also changed my secret keys in wp-admin.

    But these guys still get into our site every day.

    As the quarantined file was from the akismet plug-in, I’m writing to see if anybody else has had this problem too and have they uncovered a solution?

    Our site:

    Thanks for your help in advance.


    Tim Magee


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  • Plugin Contributor Greg


    Hi Tim,

    Did your host elaborate on what they considered to be malicious in that file? And can you compare the akismet.php on your server to the one in the distribution? It should look like this:

    Thread Starter Tim Magee


    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for writing back.

    Here is what they (Namecheap) said:

    Subject: Attention: Malicious Attempt to Access Your Hosting Account
    is Detected

    This is an automated alert to inform you that we have detected a malicious
    attempt to access your account via http or ftp on our server
    Our security systems have blocked the upload of malicious file to the server
    and put it to the quarantine. Your website is safe now, but it is important
    you undertake the following precautions. [and they named the usual stuff like changing passwords]

    We have put the following content into quarantine as we believe it contains
    viruses or other malicious code.
    ‘[PHP Exploit]’:
    ‘(decoded file [depth: 1])[Fingerprint Match]’:

    So when they did this the Akismet plugin vanished from my website’s admin plugin page.

    Consequently I can’t look at the old akismet.php file on the server – cause it’s gone.

    Yesterday I downloaded WordPress v. 4.6 and changed my password again. That was the last fix that I know about and the hackers still got into my website this morning.

    So, I will take your advice and contact the host to see if they know what might have been ‘malicious’ about the file.

    Thanks for your help.


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