• Hi there,

    Text hover has been such a great help for my website, but I have a small issue.

    I have multiple articles on my website with quite a few terms that are explained. How do I stop one term in post A from being hovered in Post B? For example, if I explain and hover the word “round” (meaning a bullet) in post A, but I have “round” in post B (meaning the circle shape), the bullet meaning “round” is showing up in post B.

    Please help me if there is a way to keep one term for one post only? I’m not good with code stuff, but I’ll try.

    Many thanks!

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  • Plugin Author Scott Reilly


    WordPress & Plugin Developer

    Hi @jonellealice: I believe I understand what you want, or thereabouts, but the plugin doesn’t really facilitate the request currently, at least not without some very specific custom coding.

    I’ve made a note in my TODO list for the plugin to add such a feature. I’m envisioning that when editing a post, there is a field where you can specify what terms should not get a text hover in that post. (In your example, you would edit post B and specify that the term “round” should not get hover text.) Does that sound like it would meet your needs?

    I’ll follow-up here whenever I get the chance to implement it for a release of the plugin. Thanks for the suggestion!

    P.S. Out of curiosity, do you use the block editor (aka Gutenberg) to write posts, or do you use the older, classic editor interface?

    Thread Starter jonellealice


    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for responding!
    What you have envisioned would absolutely work for me. I like that text hover has all the terms together and I can just use the “find” function on the computer to check if new terms have already been explained. If there is, specifying that the term shouldn’t get a hover in my new post would be excellent!

    I usually use the block editor as it’s easier for me.

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