• is there a way to install wordpress to my HDD and work on it there? i can get me a free php editor and work on everything local but i want to be able to see it here. what can i do to get it working on my main machine (or laptop for that matter) and see everything in progress before i upload it permanantly to my site and then work on it from there?
    is there anything that i need in order to make this a reality?
    i’m running WinXP Pro on a 1.4GHz centrino with 512 MB ram.
    PLEASE tell me there is eomthing that i can do. ecause i cannot do it on my fullwebsite just yet.
    i’m excited to hear from you knowageable people :):) <-arse kissing ??

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  • I installed Xampp – https://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
    I think it was the 16meg package.
    It installed easily, and works really well. I run XP Home, 1.8 Ghz, 384meg ram.

    phpdev here… 1 click install and works fine ??

    Running a local install is no big deal. a lot of folks do it for design or practice purposes, and testing upgrades. There can be different OS / platform issues on XP but nothing serious. The links the guys have given will get you going. Good luck.

    Thread Starter mrpotatoes


    awesome. thanx guys.
    so basically i can run this and it will show up like on the internet right? because that’s mainly what i want but i know i need a database to run it. i’e saved a few of these blogs that i’ve seen with a layout similar to mine but it only shows text when i wanna see it again. phewey.
    thanx a bunch

    It should run the same ??
    Mind, I only use mine for playing around and testing CSS – nothing huge / serious.

    ok awesome. that’s what i wanted to hear. because that’s mainly what i plan to do on my system. i don’t have the time yet to screw with the internals. i can only DL a template from alex kin’s site, rearagne it and put the images onto it. get it working correctly. that and i need to screw with static pages before it goes live ??

    Well for design and tweaking, just downloading a page or even a style is not quite enough. Here is what I have got. A full local install – Easy php the works.
    Then in goes WordPress. Enough content just to flesh out the content. I prefix all my images and stuff. Now as long as the images are straight I can put in any index / css combo and it will run. Thus I can use one local install to manage and design half a dozen live blogs and they will all run locally. (I can only work on one at a time but hey ). As you are finding out designing a template that isn’t attached to a mysql db is difficult. No serious user will be using the admin / template manager for any heavy lifting. We need our tools.

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