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  • Thread Starter infohowdy


    I need to remove/add a class after close fancybox

    Hi infohowdy,

    I try to add in file easy-fancybox-class.php inside fb_opts but doesn’t work.

    That would be the best way, yes. What code did you try?

    Thread Starter infohowdy


    Hello RavanH, after close I need to add/remove class or show something like this:

    afterClose: function(){$('body').append('<div id="thanks" style="position:absolute;z-index:99999;background:red;color:black;top:10px;left:10px;padding:5px;">Thanks for watching !</div>');}

    I try to add the code before closing fb_opts (around line 80)in easy-fancybox-class.php

    echo ', \'afterClose\': function(){$(\'body\').append(\'<div id="thanks" style="position:absolute;z-index:99999;background:red;color:black;top:10px;left:10px;padding:5px;">Thanks for watching !</div>\');}';
    		echo ' };
    	var easy_fancybox_handler = function(){';

    Sorry, easy-fancybox-class.php is not the correct file. You need to edit easy-fancybox-settings.php instead. It holds a large array with all the default options. Find (for example) the Youtube array which starts with:

    'YouTube' => array(
    	'title' => __('YouTube','easy-fancybox'),
    	'input' => 'multiple',
    	'options' => array(
    		'intro' => array (

    Now add an extra array key right between that 'options' => array and the following 'intro' => array like:

    'onClosed' => array (
    	'noquotes' => true,
    	'default' => 'function() { $("body").append("<div id=\"thanks\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:99999;background:red;color:black;top:10px;left:10px;padding:5px;\">Thanks for watching !</div>"); }'

    (do not forget that comma at the end there)

    1. Please be aware that after the next plugin update, your modification will be gone!
    2. You’ll have to do this for every media type if you want same (or similar) messages for all.

    Thread Starter infohowdy


    Hello, thankyou!
    I tried to add options around line 370 in easy-fancybox-class.php but seems doesn’t work
    This is the code I wrong somethings ?

    'IMG' => array(
    			'title' => __('Images','easy-fancybox'),
    			'input' => 'multiple',
    			'options' => array(
    				'intro' => array (
    					'hide' => true,
    					'description' => __('To make images open in an overlay, add their extension to the Autodetect field or use the class "fancybox" for its link. Clear field to switch off all autodetection.','easy-fancybox') . '<br />'
    	/*my option*/
    					'onClosed' => array (
    	'noquotes' => true,
    	'default' => 'function() { $("body").append("<div id=\"thanks\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:99999;background:red;color:black;top:10px;left:10px;padding:5px;\">Thanks for watching !</div>"); }'
    	/*end my option*/

    Do you get any errors? Can you share a link to your site?

    Thread Starter infohowdy


    Sure ! I thankyou very much !
    This is the link

    I’m sorry for short url but is a test page (will expire on 2016)

    this is the code from line 369 to 386

    'IMG' => array(
    			'title' => __('Images','easy-fancybox'),
    			'input' => 'multiple',
    			'options' => array(
    				'intro' => array (
    					'hide' => true,
    					'description' => __('To make images open in an overlay, add their extension to the Autodetect field or use the class "fancybox" for its link. Clear field to switch off all autodetection.','easy-fancybox') . '<br />'
    					/*my option*/
    					'onClosed' => array (
    	'noquotes' => true,
    	'default' => 'function() { $("body").append("<div id=\"thanks\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:99999;background:red;color:black;top:10px;left:10px;padding:5px;\">Thanks for watching !</div>"); }'
    	/*end my option*/
    				'tag' => array (
    					'hide' => true,
    					'default' => 'a.fancybox, area.fancybox, li.fancybox a:not(li.nofancybox a)'

    Replace the $("body") with jQuery("body") and it should start working ??

    Thread Starter infohowdy


    Thankyou very much!

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