We do not know if this theme is support custom headers or not, I cannot find any information about it in the Catch-box documentation.
Please see the theme documentation or ask theme developer what possibilities the theme has to insert custom content in the header.
Maybe you can use widgets, shortcodes, actions or filters for this purpose, according to the information you get about this. Our plugin supports all of this possibilities, if the theme support any of them.
If you have this information you can use “WP Google Search” widget or [wp_google_searchbox] shortcode to place search box in your header.
If you should use an action or filter you have to do a little coding, you have to apply the following code in the appropriate action or filter function:
echo do_shortcode( '[wp_google_searchbox]' );
If you have any other question please let us know.
Best Regards,
Peter Rath