Try using something like Custom Field Templates, where you can create a custom form for each type of data (eg.employee-pic and employee-bio or whatever) and then you client simply writes into those fields….
Then, in your page template, you can generate the html and css around calling the custom field data. I use’s excellent get_cutom_fields plugin to echo the data from the key field, wrapping the before and after html around it. This plugin only writes that html code IF the key and value are present… though there are many functions and methods available in the plugin…. inside AND outside the loop.
That way, the client is simply supplying the data, not formatting the markup at all… a far better method, imho, than trusting someone without much skill in html to write it, irregardless of WHAT that html structure is.
You (as the template developer) could write table code around the data retrieved… or write a list (that’s what I would do, frankly) and float the image left of the text content using your preferred method of float clearing for each list item’s block. This is all hidden from the editor of the content.