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  • Plugin Author supsystic


    1. Do you want to be able to move close icon – to other position? For example from right – to left corner?
    2. Our PopUps is responsive, if you noticed some problems here – please provide me with link where I can check this and tell me – from what device/browser you are checking.
    3. It can appear for any visitor of your site.

    Thread Starter imdreamer



    1. it’s a bit out of position, not so accurate between lightbox and close icon

    2.i used google chrome (waiting for 15 sec.)

    on mobile doesn’t show responsive effect

    3. because I just want to show popup for whom is not a member or before login


    Plugin Author supsystic


    Please tell me – what original template did you used for this PopUp? And did you modified something in Code section?

    Thread Starter imdreamer


    I used ” Layer pop common type”

    but i didn’t toggle : enable Subscription & Enable Social Buttons (i don’t need this)

    i just pasted my shortcode on text block

    [widget id=”facebook-likebox-2″]


    Plugin Author supsystic


    1. I see, try to select other close button for your PopUp – I think other button will look more pretty for this case.
    2. Do you mean issue – when Facebook widget inner content – is not responsive?
    3. So, you need to have an option – “Show PopUp only for not logged-in users”?
    Is this correct?

    Thread Starter imdreamer


    1.can’t i tweak by CSS ?
    2.foot note text (too small to read)
    3.yes (because not every member like to see popup again and again)

    plus 4.

    can you offer a close lightbox function when clicking outside of lightbix area on page when issuing next version ?


    Plugin Author supsystic


    1. Yes, sure:
    .ppsPopupClose {
    top: 30px !important;
    right: 30px !important;
    where 30px – is required displacement from right top corner.
    2. You can also make it bigger from CSS:
    .ppsFootNote {
    font-size: 18px;
    where 18px – is required font size for footer text.
    3. Try to update to latest version – we included this feature there – – “Hide for Logged-in PopUp option”
    4. Yes, sure, we will try to create such functionality.

    Plugin Author supsystic


    We just released new version – with possibility to close PopUp on Overlay click for you, so you can check it.

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