• Hi!

    I have noncached fragments on my site. Not sure that I called it correctly. I mean fragments that are in such comments:
    <!– mclude W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY –>path/to/file.php<!– /mclude W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY –>
    and code inside avoids page cache.

    We use CDN, and the problem is that in noncached fragments image sources does not lead to CDN mirror.
    Instead of cdn images <img src=”a5.cdn….”> I have site images <img src=”path/to/image”>

    I understand that this is because noncachead fragments are executed after page cache and CDN changes applied.

    I suppose that in W#TC should be some function for cnd preparing of html code and change images sources from local to cdn. I would execute it on my noncached fragments and sole the problem.

    Does anyone know how to do that?

    Thanks in advance!


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