• Resolved cinematic


    I really like the theme. Thanks for this nice minimalistic theme. However, the color slider for changing the link color is pretty useless since there is NO WAY to set a specific color. Why isn’t there a color picker like for header and background color? The link color is quite important and IF there is an option in the backend to set a link color I wouldn’t expect a VERY imprecise slider.

    Anyway, I know how to build a child theme and will go this route. Just wondering why there is a setting in the options when it is actually useless???

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  • Hi, more information on the accent color slider can be found in this Github issue comment:


    In short, it was mostly implemented this way to ensure that colors chosen met accessibility standards as ensuring the theme meets those standards was an important part of the overall design.

    Thread Starter cinematic


    Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Accessibility standards are a question of contrast and you should not use red/green. I cannot see how the slider helps in any way. The slider is sooo tiny that it is pure luck to meet any color with the mouse. This is technical playing around to pretend accessibility but not helpful in any way for production. There are accessibility standards and there are design standards. If I have a specific color as corporate identity it is important that I can implement it. Can you name the accessibility rule that forbids exact color choice?

    And IF there should be limited colors it would be more helpful to have let’s say a choice of a 10 colors or so than this ridiculous slider that is sooo small that it doesn’t allow any serious color choice at all.

    It would be an horror if themes start to forbid exact color choice. Thanks god that there is an option for child themes.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by cinematic.

    @cinematic in most cases the automatic colors work perfectly fine. There are very few cases where someone needs to use an exact color, and a blogger just wants to setup their site easy, fast and hassle-free. If you need a specific hex for your colors then you can simply add some custom CSS. Changing links colors via CSS is not hard, all you need is a{color:#333 !important;}.
    Not all themes are meant for everyone. This is a theme with specific features, showcasing a specific design for specific use cases. WordPress is primarily a blogging platform – and that is what this theme does best.

    Thread Starter cinematic


    @aristath even if I don’t need a specific color the color slider won’t let me choose between different shades of let’s say blue for example because it is too small for fine tuning with the mouse. If you move the slider a tiny bit you will have a complete other color. Did you ever try it out? Can you change between let’s say dark blue and middle dark blue?

    I know that there is the css option. I just had to let it out how I feel about this useless imprecise slider and I really hope that this won’t become a new standard for color selection. This is why I just didn’t want to let it pass by silently :-). I do like the theme and I am thankful for this. But this color slider is a joke and I don’t see any improvement regarding accessibility. Why can’t there be a color picker just like for the header or background color? I cannot see the advantage regarding accessibility and I cannot understand which accessibility law requires such a slider, where it is so difficult to hit a wanted shade of color with the mouse.

    seconding to @cinematic – this is just ridiculous.
    the theme is very promising and minimal/nice, but far from ready2launch from more aspects than this.

    many free themes offer stuff like content width, custom main color(hex) for accents, links etc, font size and font options (ie google fonts).

    if you want to supply to bloggers, influencers and so on, you should know – nowadays they too tend to have their CI. apart from that, i’ve just read wordpress is creating it’S own payment platform to deliver to businesses.
    i was checking this for my next project, but after taking a look for 2 hours, ill revert to my own version of underscores.

    @cinematic I can understand your wanting more control, but the first response answered it: the colors are limited to what will work all the time. That you can’t pick slight variations in shade is because, again, those variations are not ‘standard’ and will create UI issues across browsers/devices.

    As for not being able to make an adjustment with your mouse, that sounds like you have your mouse pointer settings up too high, which has nothing to do with the slider. (There’s also a thing that every single browser has, called Zoom. Make the page bigger and the slider can fill your entire screen if you want it to.)

    Thread Starter cinematic


    @nomadskateboarding I have read the first response. Maybe this is an answer for you but not for me. UI issues??? Could you please specify?
    Maybe here is some interesting reading for you
    “The WCAG are intended to help designers choose the right color contrasts. The adage “The map is not the territory,” applies here. Don’t confuse models of reality with reality itself.”

    Missing color choice has nothing to do with mouse pointers set up too high. This slider is just ridiculous and has nothing to do with accessibility. POINT.

    I gave the theme a five star rating (despite this weird color slider) because I like it. But I may revert it to a four star rating if anybody else tries to insist that this is what most people want (just to show that this is not the case).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by cinematic.

    Yes. Specifically, most people use the internet in most of the world on older browsers, computers, and phones. They are unable to render the whole spectrum of colors, which means when you do what you’re trying to do, while it may look good and work for you, it’s not going to across the board. Not only will your website be effected on the user level, Google will rank you lower for doing things that aren’t compatible with the people’s searching browsers/device.

    You ranted on multiple replies about your inability to use the color picker,I say again, that’s your issue with your mouse pointer. I can slide my picker precisely, then asked others to do the same here with me, no one had an issue picking the right color.

    I’ll digress, but that you would threaten to lower your rating on a theme because you don’t like the replies from the community only shows your opinion is biased and doesn’t matter regarding this.

    Basically, your ignorant on what’s going on so that’s your problem, not the theme’s. ‘Ignorance of the law is no excuse to break it’. Ignorance of UI is no reason to blame others.

    Thread Starter cinematic


    @nomadskateboarding so what you want to say is that this color picker is there in order to help supporting old browsers? ??

    Moderator James Huff


    The reason is explained in https://github.com/WordPress/twentytwenty/issues/284

    In short, it’s to meet minimum contrast guidelines for your site’s visitors with limited vision.

    As it has already been explained in depth, there really is no point in guessing other reasons.

    If you want to choose specific hex colors, the answer has already been posted further up: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-can-i-change-the-link-color-to-a-specific-hexcode/#post-12130660

    This thread will now be closed, as it has gone quite off topic.

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