How can I change the order of the categories
Hi, I created a filtered gallery with att categories and I want to manage the order the categories are showing up in the gallery within Elementor. I tried sorting the order where the categories are created and even creating an alphabetical order within the descriptions, but this did not change the order they show up. Any ideas?
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Thanks for your question and the link to your page. Looks like a magnificent property!
Other than the Att. Categories support, I don’t see where MLA is involved in the composition of the page you referenced. You wrote “I want to manage the order the categories are showing up in the gallery within Elementor.” Do you mean the order of the “All Photos, Bathrooms…” list, or the order of the images displayed?
You wrote “I tried sorting the order where the categories are created“. Are you using a term-ordering plugin to do that? MLA supports two of those (I’m sure there are others):
Simple Taxonomy Ordering – WordPress plugin |
Simple Custom Post Order – WordPress plugin |
I don’t know if Elementor supports those or other ordering plugins. I don’t think modifying the term description, name or slug will have any effect. There is a hidden “menu order” database field used by the plugins I mentioned.
I don’t yet have access to the Pro Elementor version so I can’t investigate further on my own. If you can give me more details on your application, I may be able to help when my Pro license is activated.
I will leave this topic unresolved for now. Thanks for your interest in MLA.
Thank you for the kinds words about our property. ?? The website is still a work in progress as you can tell….
Yes, I am referring to the order of the categories: “All Photos, Bathrooms, etc…” I was hoping to be able to put them in a specific order without the use of another plug in. i also do not have Elementor Pro but have created parent and child categories so this helps make it look less “busy” and the order does not bother me any more (it appears to be alphabetical which is fine).
However, my intended goal does not work. For example, I can create a parent category of Bedrooms and then Bedrooms 1, 2, 3, 4, etc are child categories. But when I click on Bedrooms, no images appear. The filters are there, but I?am not sure it would be obvious for guests to then click on the filters for Bedroom 1, 2, 3, etc to see the images. It just looks like it’s not working. I thought perhaps i could add another child category of All under Bedrooms and attached all bedroom images there, but cannot get it to default to All images showing here as it does under the main Parent categories. (And All is last in the list so harder to see, which is odd b/c the parent categories appear to be alphabetical so All *should* be first). Any ideas on how to get this to do what I’m trying to do? Is this a limitation of Elementor Add on or is there a work around?
On another note, I am having issues with the filtering. For example, when you click on Bathrooms, 5 images should appear, but not all do. It is inconsistent as sometimes, all of the images filter properly and other times, 1, 2, or 3 images appear, and I have to click on pagination for them all to load. This happens to all of the categories, not just Bathrooms. I’m also reaching out to Elementor Add On about that as it could be their issue, not yours.
Thanks for your update with more details on your application.
You wrote “when I click on Bedrooms, no images appear”. It’s likely that you have assigned the child term to your item but not explicitly assigned the parent term, i.e., you must explicitly assign both “Bedrooms” and “Bedroom 1” to the item. Try checking “Bedrooms” in all your items and let me know if that helps.
You wrote “parent categories appear to be alphabetical so All *should* be first“. The default order for terms is the order in which they are created. If you created “All” after creating the other child terms it will appear at the end of the list. The alphabetical order is a coincidence.
Regarding your filtering issues, I would need more details in order to reproduce your application on my system and investigate further. Can you tell me more specifically how you built your page, i.e., which Elementor elements you are using? The link you gave in your first post goes to a “Coming soon…” placeholder.
Ok, thanks for the info on how the categories are ordered. I wish I had known that before I created and tagged them all! ?? I went through and deleted the child categories and re-did it so that “All” is listed first and then re-added Bedroom 1 and Bedroom 2 as tests. To clarify, I added “Bedrooms” as parent, then “All” as a child, and then “Bedroom 1”, and “Bedroom 2” as children of “All”.
My intent is that the first “main” search shows All and then the parent filters for each room of the house. When they click on “Bedrooms”, I want it to default to “All” just like it does on the first page, and then they can further filter by “Bedroom 1, 2,” etc. It let me create these sub-child categories so I’m assuming this is possible, but now nothing shows up for any of these filters. Again, I’ve mentioned there is an overall filtering issue going on so not sure what’s happening.
Right now, when I go in to my Media Library and filter by All Att. Categories, it is showing images that do not have attached categories and vise versa for No Att. Categories so there is definitely an issue. Does it take some time for the deleting and creating of categories on the images to catch up? I did check immediately so perhaps need to wait longer?
I cannot seem to figure out a way to send a link of the page for others to view without setting up something with a password (which is too annoying for me while continuously creating/editing). I thought a staging site would do it, but it doesn’t. If you have other ideas, lmk.
I created this page using Elementor and Elementor Royal Add Ons and your plug in of course. It seems the only filter that is working properly is “Exterior.”
Thanks for the details on your current efforts. I’ve had a look at the current site and I have some general comments that might be helpful. It looks like you are using some sort of “grid filters” to control the content of a gallery display. I believe the filters and grid are generated by the “Elementor Royal Add Ons” plugin you mentioned; is that right? Are you using the “Image Grid/Slider/Carousel” widget for your application? I’ve run a few experiments and can share my results.
I have found that the term filter is only applied to the images visible on the current gallery page. If you set the “Items Per Page” value in the Query section of the widget to a high number, more than the number of images in the gallery, then filtering works. If the gallery has multiple pages the filtering is erratic. Images only show up if they are on the “current” gallery page. I recommend disabling pagination if you are using filters.
Also, when you have parent/child relationships the child terms only show up when the parent term is selected. Again, pagination affects the images that are displayed.
Regarding your taxonomy structure, you wrote “To clarify, I added “Bedrooms” as parent, then “All” as a child, and then “Bedroom 1”, and “Bedroom 2” as children of “All”.” You might have better results without the “All” term. Create “Bedrooms” at the top level, then create “Bedroom 1”, etc. as children of “Bedrooms”. Then, for Bedroom 1, assign both “Bedrooms” and “Bedroom 1”. Assign both the “Bedroms” and the specific bedroom term to the other images.
You wrote “Right now, when I go in to my Media Library and filter by All Att. Categories, it is showing images that do not have attached categories and vise versa for No Att. Categories so there is definitely an issue. Does it take some time for the deleting and creating of categories on the images to catch up? I did check immediately so perhaps need to wait longer?“
The “All Att. Categories” filter on the Media/Assistant screen displays every item in the library, including items that have no terms assigned. The “No Att. Categories” filter should display only the items that have no terms assigned. You can show the term assignments as a table column by pulling down the Screen Options in the upper right comer of the screen and checking the box to the left of “Att. Categories”.
There is no delay when you add or remove terms from an item. If you use the MLA Quick Edit or Bulk Edit areas to assign terms, they take effect as soon as you click the “Update” button in the bottom right corner. If you use the full screen “Edit Media” screen, you must click the “Update” button to complete the term assignments.
Yes, I am using the Elementor Royal Add Ons “Image Grid/Slider/Carousel” widget. Changing the Items Per Page number to more than the images I have worked. All of the filters appear to be working correctly. It even worked on my children’s children (the Bedrooms>All shows all pics of bedrooms and then can further be filtered by Bedroom 1, 2) as I wanted. However, I have 71 images, so this means that all 71 are loaded on the page. I de-selected the Show “All” Filter but that only removed the actual filter. All 71 images still load immediately. What is the work around for this?
Thanks for confirming that changing the Items Per Page value resolved the filter issues.
The “Show All” filter does not affect the number of items displayed. It simply adds or omits an entry in the filter list. I do not believe there is any workaround that displays a smaller number of items but retains proper filter behavior. Since this is an issue with the Elementor Royal Add Ons plugin, not MLA, I suggest you follow up with their support team to see if they can do something.
I believe all of the MLA aspects of this topic have been addressed, so I am marking the topic Resolved. Please update it or start a new topic if you have any problems or further questions regarding the use of MLA in your application, and good luck with the rest of your site.
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