Hi again, WisdmLabs, Brook,
Thanks so much for the above code. I am very excited to try it.
Ridiculous question but – WisdmLabs, can you please clarify where I should add that code? I have tried adding it to my functions.php file, with the following code just above it:
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'shortcode_unautop' );
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );
I then added [event_tags]
to a text widget in my footer.
Was this incorrect? Because it isn’t working for me.
Thanks again!
I have realised that WordPress’ Tag Cloud widget will in fact do this trick for me… Just needs one alteration:
I have set the Tag Cloud taxonomy to “Tags”. When a user clicks on a tag in the footer, however, only upcoming events with this tag will be shown…
How do I get it to show all events with this tag – upcoming and past?