• I got 1 page for my posts, what i want is that it only shows the date and title of a post and when you click it then you can read it.

    Also want the new posts going down instead of above a old post.

    So that i get on the page something like this:

    19-12-2010 : Message posted(title)
    20-12-2010 : Finally done
    01-01-2011 : Hungover


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  • as you didn’t explain how far you are with your attempts, here the basic read:

    page templates



    Thread Starter Rebels House


    Way to complicated for me those links and it doesnt really explain how to do what i want.

    So if some1 can explain it to me in easy telling or suggest plugin pls let me know.

    Thread Starter Rebels House


    I had no page template option but fixed that by adding
    Template Name: [name]
    to the page templates, but it doesnt matter which template i choose, the layout stays the same

    the main code to show a list of linked post titles with the date could be something like:

    $my_posts = get_posts('numberposts=-1&orderby=date&order=ASC');
    // gets all posts (numberposts=-1) ordered by time (orderby=date) in ascending order (order=ASC)
    if( $my_posts ) foreach( $my_posts as $post ) {
    // go through all posts
    the_time('d-m-Y ');
    // output the date
     : <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a><br/>
    <?php //output the linked post titles
    // end the foreach loop
    // reset the querystring

    details depend on your design, i.e. if you want to output the posts as an unordered list, or with special formatting, …

    if you paste the code of one of your templates into a https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ , press ‘submit’, and copy the address from the browser address bar, and post this here –
    then someone might be able to make some suggestions on how to integrate the code into it.

    Thread Starter Rebels House


    The thing is, it doesnt matter what i do the view remains the same, even if totally fuck up the page.php/achives.php/links.php and select 1 of em the view always remain te same.

    Only if change stuff in the index.php then i see changes otherwise not

    This template i took from wp codex but as i said, not any template show changes.

    do you assign the template to your page, as in ‘dashboard’ – ‘pages’ – edit page’ ‘attributes’ which you find on the right side, a bit lower?

    you shold be able to find your template in the dropdown list there.

    Thread Starter Rebels House


    Thats the way i do it ?? but no matter what template, view stays the same




    alchymyth’s code is a starting point and it does work. Have you tried it?

    just checking step by step:

    -create a new php file (page template)

    -add the lines marking it as a page template at the top:

    Template Name: test

    -create a page in ‘dashboard’ ‘add new page’; on the right under ‘attributes’ ‘templates’ select the one you have created: test

    -save and preview your page; this should show the working of the page template

    -when you then go and edit this page, you should still see your template name under ‘attributes’ ‘templates’

    just random other thoughts:

    do you have any cache installed?
    that might hold an to old stuff, while you are changing things.
    if you have, deactivate all this cache stuff, while you are developing your site.

    if this does not work, try changing theme to the default theme twenty ten, and see if you can assign the ‘One column, no sidebar’ template to any page;
    if this works, then the fault is with your theme.

    if this does not work, try an de-activate all plugins.
    if this solves the problem, re-activate one plugin after the other, and check inbetween if the error is back.


    even if totally fuck up the page.php/achives.php/links.php and select 1 of em the view always remain te same.

    these are no templates – so i am not too sure what you are actually trying to do.

    Thread Starter Rebels House


    Ok a update,

    I got a new domain and site, now, without addons postpage standard on the home page the one colum no sidebar worked.

    Now i made home a static page and my posts went to a different page, now when i select one colum no side bard doesnt work.

    When i switched back posts on frontpage again, it still doesnt work anymore.

    :S Frustrating problem

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