• Hi all,
    After some months hacking my css files and discovering the blogosphere, I became interested in the ping features.
    But it doesnt’ work! My blog never appears on the sites I’m trying to ping (I’m using pingomatic and https://www.weblogues.com/RPC/ ). I upgraded to the latest stable version (1.2.1), but still nothing happens. I have read the posts saying that xmlrpc.php is missing in 1.2.1, so I replaced the old file, no changes.
    I have seen the posts saying that I must update my wp-includes/functions.php, but it is already up-to-date (the include line is there). I have also uploaded the class-xmlrpc.php I found on the CVS (supposed to be a hacked, working version). Still nothing.
    Kinda frustrating. And there is no feedback, so the only thing I can do is go the referencing sites and look on the “last 100 pings” pages to see if I appear or not…
    So, did someone manage to get this ping business working? If so, how?
    Here is my site: https://www.timtom.ch
    Thank you for your help!

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  • I’m bumping this up because I’m having the same problem, and I’ve spent a couple nights here trying to figure out what is going on. I’m running 1.2.1, I replaced the missing xmlrpc.php, etc. I have searched this forum like crazy, but haven’t found anything that would fix this.
    I don’t know exactly when the pinging broke, since it’s hard to tell when it’s not working, and since Weblogs.com is so flaky I thought at first they were at fault. (I have been pinging Ping-O-Matic, but the one weblog I usually see my pings show up on gets the data from Weblogs.com.) But it was at least a few months ago.
    Any ideas why this might be broken? It used to work fine, but since I’m not sure when it broke, I can’t tell what might have changed it.
    Are there any web server settings that could affect this? Any permissions settings? Anything? I’m going nuts here.

    Anyone? Any ideas?
    Anyway, is there an easier way to test if pings are going out than using Pingomatic’s last 100 page? Has anyone set up a server specifically to test this sort of thing?
    I have tried Pingomatic and blo.gs and I see no result there — how can I find out where the hang-up is?

    OK, I can’t speak for timtom’s problem, but as for mine, it turns out it is indeed related to this other problem I posted about. So see that thread, where I’m about to follow-up.

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