• My client wants her blog layout to be like this. How do I achieve this blog layout? I’ve searched for hours for plugins that might be able to do this, but I am not finding anything that gives this exact option.

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  • Thread Starter britdaw


    Here’s the image of the layout she wants:




    this is not possible in plugin. it could be make custom if you want exact the same layout as you given in image.

    Thread Starter britdaw


    Can I do it with CSS?

    You would use CSS at some point in the process. Are you working with a custom theme? What have you already tried?

    Thread Starter britdaw


    The theme I am working with is one I created myself in a program called Artisteer. It doesn’t give me the option to custom-design the blog layout within that software, or I’d already have done it there.
    I am mostly a designer and not a developer, but I’m comfortable enough to read code and be able to change it IF someone else provides me with the code I need. LOL

    I actually found an old thread on this forum that I just tried to use to alter the PHP code in a couple of the files within the theme, but that’s not working either. :\ I don’t want to tell my client I can’t do this layout for her, but I may be forced to if I can’t get it to work.

    Thread Starter britdaw


    This is the post I was trying to use to get the layout to work the way she wants: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-alternate-post-styles-in-twentyeleven?replies=18

    I’m not really familiar with how Artisteer works. When you say “doesn’t give me the option to custom-design the blog layout”, do you mean that you can’t edit the PHP templates that control how the blog is displayed? How close have you gotten? (For example, have you been able to make the large image and smaller text area appear, even if they don’t appear side-by-side as in your image?)

    Thread Starter britdaw


    Artisteer is basically a software that makes it easy to design the theme. It’s not an indepth editor, though, meaning it doesn’t give you the option to change the code or templates; you have to do that manually if you want to edit them.

    Do you have access to the PHP and CSS files generated by Artisteer? How close have you gotten? (For example, have you been able to make the large image and smaller text area appear, even if they don’t appear side-by-side as in your image?)

    Thread Starter britdaw


    I’ve gotten the whole theme created, and I have the folder containing all the files on my computer. This is the site: https://www.nicolegrabner.com

    Right now they’re showing in a single list with all the thumbnails on one side. I’d like it so that they alternate which way the thumbnails are aligned, if I can.

    Add this to your css:

    .blog .art-post:nth-child(2n) .alignleft {
    Thread Starter britdaw


    OMG, thank you so much!!! That worked! ??


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