I am not sure if there is an easier way than how I am about to explain, because I also had trouble with it. I posted a response in another topic on how to activate the slider, but doing that still does not get you the exact page as the demo sooo what you to do is this:
Make a new page, I just called mine “Home.” Now this next part is vital, change the slug to: page-template-magazine. Then, select “Magazine” under Template and save. Then, you go to Appearance > Customize and change your front page to Static and under select that page you created with the Magazine template and set it as your homepage. To get posts in the actual slider you then create a post or edit an old one, and under the publish section, click “edit” right next to Public and check “Stick this post to the front page.” What that does is make your post a Sticky Post and that is how you control the slider’s content.
That only gets your slider up. After searching for a long time, and trying many other things… I could not figure out how to get that black caption area and the other styles that were on the demo page… then I realized I was missing the body class that made all the features look how they do on the demo page. The body needs to have the class “page-template-magazine” which mine was missing. The way I added it was by adding this to the theme’s function php (preferably a child theme’s function file):
add_filter( 'body_class', 'magazine_body_class' );
function magazine_body_class( $classes ) {
if ( is_page( 'page-template-magazine' ))
$classes[] = 'page-template-magazine';
return $classes;
What the above code does is add the class to the body by using the specified page/slug.
Now I am not a professional coder or anything, just self taught but that is how I got mine to work. Then you can style accordingly. Hope that helps.