• I need some help on how to speed up page load on windows platform…
    i dont have .htaccess file, and some of good plugins are requiring that file.
    My website is loading in 6.5 seconds…
    It dosent have too many pictures, it’s simple….
    Also i’m using this new wordpress i think it’s 4.1 and some of plugins are not updated for that version of wordpress..

    Do you know how to speed up, or do you have any tutorial on youtube about that ?!

    Thank you!

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  • Install and use a browser inspector. If you are using firefox this would be firebug, all browsers have an equivalent addon.
    Part of firebug is a “NET” tab, it will give you load times against each of the components of the page.

    Thread Starter Cyrexbg


    Ok so i did what you told me…but i’m not an expert in this tings..
    This is what it shows me:
    GET mydomain.com | 200 OK | 8.82s
    All other things are under 300ms so it’s probably ok…
    But i rly dont know what to do now with that one loading in 8.82s…

    It would help me help you if you told me the real name of your website.

    Thread Starter Cyrexbg



    The site is slow because of the time it takes to load the HTML page, the subsequent loading of the other files (css, js, images etc) are quite reasonable.
    So it is the time it takes WordPress to render the page content that dominates, how complex is your site in terms of plugins etc, listing posts, assembling tag clouds.
    Can you experimentally turn off some plugins ?
    I am hesitant to suggest that you install a website cache plugin, but tentative experiments in this area may help.

    Thread Starter Cyrexbg


    I will try to find if there is some plugin making some problems…
    But with cache plugins i have bigger problems cos’ i’m using the windows platform and i dont have .htaccess file but most of the cache plugins are requiring that file to work…Also i tryed with W3 total cach yesterday but i could not get him to work…i did have 2 issues i didnt know what to do…

    Can’t change configuration: Can’t create folder //username/home/users/web/b1055/dom.mechanicshuborg/wp-content/cache/tmp

    Do i have to just go there and create that file or what ?!

    W3 Total Cache: Default settings are in use. The configuration file could not be read or doesn’t exist. Please save the settings to create the file.

    When i go to save settings it shows me this…
    Are you sure?
    and under that
    Please try again.

    Also i’m not able to change premissions in FTP on wp_content to 777…
    I dont know why, but i think i will be asked later to change that, to make plugin work…

    I’m only using these plugins:
    – Contact Form 7
    – Google Analyticator
    and Akismet is off…

    First off, I would say put cloudflare on pause. Before you even worry about performance issues like handling traffic with cloudflare, work on getting your site to answer basic page calls. When I try to access the site without WWW in front of the domain, it times out after 60 seconds. With the WWW, I get a “connection refused by IIS” page.

    There in lies potentially some of your other problems. Where are you hosting? Actual server at a hosting company or on your home internet connection?

    You can use tools like pingdom to see if your site is loading remotely and to see what is going slow. For the moment, the site is not accessible by the world.

    Thread Starter Cyrexbg


    Website is hosted on Domain.com
    I turned of cloudflare

    I run the pingdom test and this is what i got:
    Picture: https://prntscr.com/5r529o
    Performance grade: 87/100
    Server Response Code
    [2xx] Success 62
    [3xx] Redirecting 0
    [4xx] Client Error 0
    [5xx] Server Error 0
    Connection Error 5
    Picture: https://prntscr.com/5r54mr

    So i think that maybe images are making the problem here..
    I’m thinking to install wp-smushit plugin and maybe it will work better..what you think ?!

    The issue appears to be the “wait” time, which is generally the time required for your server to start sending the page. Generally that time should be measured well under 1 second, and not 9-10 seconds (what I got). Once your page html is loaded, the images and stuff come quickly.

    You may want to check things like server load and such. Potentially if this is shared hosting then it may be an issue of not having enough resources to do the job. It may also be a type of virtual hosting where your site is only loaded on demand, so when there aren’t many visitors the next visitor takes a long time for it to load.

    The important term from pingdom is “Your website is slower than 88% of all tested websites”. When you look at the waterfall report, you can see all the images load pretty quickly after the initial page load. So there is something stopping the page load or taking too long to process before the initial page starts to load. Performance grade is not how fast it loads, but if it is technically correct (coding wise).

    You may want to try similar tests with ALL plug ins and all “extras” turned off. Maybe even set up just a plain html page and see how fast the server itself can deliver a basic page.

    Thread Starter Cyrexbg


    Ok so i did another test with PageSpeed (google insights)
    And i got:

    – (High) Show images of variable size
    – (High) Match the browser cache
    – (Medium) Minimize redirects
    – (Medium) Avoid faulty requirements
    I got this theme from wplocker and it dosent have style.css file its like hidden or something.
    So i will be trying to repair this problems…Also i will do all the test you told me…And if it dosent work then, i will probably change to unix/linux platform…and maybe even change the hosting.

    I just got one last question…
    I got this “IIS Administration Console” can i do something with it to speed up my website..?!

    Thank you very much!

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