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  • Hey wrongchris,

    Thanks for posting! It sounds like you’re trying to translate certain strings of text. Can you clarify where you’re seeing “type your email address” in your plugin form? Feel free to post a link to your form and I’d be happy to take a look as well.

    For “click here to update your profile”, I believe you may be referring to when an existing subscriber signs up through the plugin form, they’re prompted with an error that reads: “That email address is already subscribed to the list. Click here to update your profile.”

    While the first sentence in that error message can be translated (and is in the PO file), I’m afraid that this second string, “Click here to update your profile” is not. This is something that we’ve gotten some requests for, and I’d be happy to pass along your request for that translation to become available as well.

    In the mean time, if you’re comfortable with editing code, one option would be to edit the actual string of text in the mailchimp.php file that’s included with the plugin. You should be able to look up that string in the code and manually translate it from there.

    Look forward to hearing back!

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