It works with the favorites/assigned lists on the main menu (the buttons with the stars)
Open issues or constituents that are past their review dates are highlighted with a red border in the favorite issues and favorite constituent lists. These appear on the main menu as star-smile — *;) — and star-paper (sorry, can’t get the dashicons into this comment).
You can set review dates for constituents or for issues. It makes most sense to set a review date for issues/constituents that are assigned to a person. Assign them to yourself if you want them to appear on your favorites list. Open issues/constituents are highlighted with colors based on review dates. Closed issues/constituents don’t show on the list. Issues/constituents that are neither open or closed have a neutral border regardless of review date.
Make sense?
You can also use review date in the basic searches and in the advanced search (double magnifying glass on the main menu).