• I going to increase the limit because I have about 30000 variations and with only 50 at a time, when I will arrive to 30000?

    I contacted Siteground and it reply me: edited the limit “WC_MAX_LINKED_VARIATIONS” there to 250(I am not increasing it higher as this might cause issues). So even though the text still says “Max: 50” it should actually process 250, as it seems the text is static and it does not update from the plugin definition. So please try again if it is going to pass through 250 records, note however that this is a so called “hack” solution and is not recommended as it will be best to contact the developers of the plugin which should be able to provide you with the best solution on how to solve this.

    For me 50 or 250 is same, because I must elaborate 30000 variants…. but still, I want say that the system does not make it, indeed I watched the hourglass to work for one hour and after I close.

    Siteground wrote “it will be best to contact the developers of the plugin which should be able to provide you with the best solution on how to solve this.”

    Where are developers of the plugin? I want solution for this, but after two days I not found it.

    Thank you for help


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  • That number is not going to be manageable by a long way. Consider reducing the number if possible by splitting the product and having some attributes as “add-ons”:


    You may want to look at the “Too many variations plugin” at: https://ihayag.com/jaf/woocommerce-too-many-variations-plugin/
    Not tried this myself.

    Thread Starter pako76


    Thank you for reply but I must not consider reducing variations, even better I have other products with 100000 variations, not only 30000.

    I have a ecommerce on other CMS and there isn’t problem with many variations. Now, I thought to change hosting+CMS and after 3 days I discovered that is impossibile to resolve this situation with WordPress+WooCommerce.

    Beacause in link that you posted I see not solution, but only plugin to buy and there isn’t issue resolution.

    This is “great” https://ihayag.com/jaf/woocommerce-too-many-variations-plugin/ : ask $85.95 and is “Out of stock”


    I would like a safe solutionI do not pay for an add on, without being certain of solving the problem

    Thread Starter pako76


    My old CMS is able to easily process thousands of variations. But there are other problems and all advised me WORDPRESS + WOOCOMMERCE.
    After 4 days I searched in the forums, reading documents, requests for help hosting Siteground, opening tickets with Woocommerce, I have learned one thing: to get an answer from Woocommerce have to “purchase an item to gain access.”

    Yes, definitely, I buy an article please a question and maybe get an answer “sorry this is not possible.”

    No my dear gentlemen, I want to know if the big woocommerce wordpress + is capable of processing 30,000 variants in seconds. I want to know if wordpress + woocommerce are able to increase the ridiculous limit of 50 variations for run.

    If this is not possible it is my duty, as a blogger, inform the international community that wordpresse + woocommerce are not able to solve this simple problem.

    Thank you

    I think your barking up the wrong tree. I struggle with having 50-60 variations.

    If you can’t break down the products into smaller chunks, then you really should consider another platform.

    The problem is that each variation creates hundreds of database writes every time you open a product. 50-60 bogs it down. 30,0000 or a 100,000 no way.

    You can try this to see if it helps at all, I don’t know what your max is on your server but you can experiment.

    max_input_vars = 2000 in your PHP.INI file. Default is a 1000, you can try higher see if that helps. I’ve bumped it up to 3000, but with 30,0000 variables I don’t know if you’re going to be successful.

    Plugin Contributor royho


    @pako76 – you mentioned your old CMS can do this easily. I am curious to know which CMS is that? Do you have a link to a demo which show cases you having 30k+ variations?

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