• Resolved bamajr


    Need to know details:

    • Hosted on LEMP Stack (Engine X or NGINX – NOT Apache) with Easy Engine (by rtCamp)
    • Fresh install of WordPress Multisite (4.1.1) using Sub-directories.
    • Genesis Theming Framework & Enterprise Pro Child Theme.
    • 10 Sites using the exact same child theme, layout & widgets.

    Full disclosure: I may be able to write HTML/HTML5 & CSS/CSS3 from memory, but I do NOT claim to be a PHP expert. So I’m sure the problem lies in the PHP. I can get around and I’m not a complete idiot, but definitely NOT a PHP expert.

    I’m trying to create a plugin that displays a single sentence of text, based on which “$blog_id” is currently being viewed by the end user. I’m presently testing this plugin by putting the code directly in the functions.php file.

    Here is what I have:

    global $blog_id;
    function phone_number_function() {
    	if( $blog_id == 1 ):
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###1</a></strong>";
    	elseif( $blog_id == 2 ):
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###2</a></strong>";
    	elseif( $blog_id == 3 ):
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###3</a></strong>"; // and so on, all the way up to 10
    		echo "Call Toll-Free (800) ###-####</a></strong>";</a></strong>";

    The first “if” statement shows on all pages. What am I missing?

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  • if( $blog_id != 1 ):

    Should be true on all pages on all sites except first site. Did you check result on first site? On first site, elseif( $blog_id != 2 ): should evaluate to true.

    May be you wanted to check == instead of !=.

    Thread Starter bamajr


    Yes @rahul286

    I edited the code in my original post. Maybe take a look at it again, if you don’t mind. I mistakenly pasted one of the many, many attempts I had made, to resolve this issue. The Current code is reflected in my OP.

    Can you try moving global declaration inside function?

    function phone_number_function() {
        global $blog_id;
        // other codes
    Thread Starter bamajr


    Wow… I really goofed up my OP! Sorry!

    global $blog_id;
    function phone_number_function() {
    	if( $blog_id == 1 ):
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###1";
    	elseif( $blog_id == 2 ):
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###2";
    	elseif( $blog_id == 3 ):
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###3"; // and so on, all the way up to 10
    		echo "Call Toll-Free (800) ###-####";

    I’ve also tried this:

    global $blog_id;
    function phone_number_function() {
            if( $blog_id == 1 ) {
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###1";
            } elseif( $blog_id == 2 ) {
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###2";
            } elseif( $blog_id == 3 ) {
    		echo "Call now (###) ###-###3";
            } else {
                    echo "This is a TEST";

    This second section of code is always returning: “This is a TEST” even when the $blog_id is 1 and 3 (there is no site on 2).

    Thread Starter bamajr



    Your suggestion to move the:

    global $blog_id;

    …seems to have done the trick. I’ll test further and report again.

    I have one further question though. I think it is a matter of semantics, but do I need an


    statement added to my code?

    endif is not needed when using braces.

    You may refer to https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/handbook/coding-standards/php/

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