• Dear,

    O boy i hate WYSIWYG editors and TinyMCE things, but for this one client i just need to fix them because they don’t understand html.

    What i’m doing is simple, just add a div Style with a class to the TinyCME Style format.
    This way it should-/should be easy for this client to select a few paragraphs of text and just hit Column Left from the Style format menu-bar (TinyMCE) and that would style all those paragraphs into a left column on the website, after that he should do the same > select > hit Right column en that would make text go to the rich-side of the website.
    I need to make 2 columns in the content-entry div to post in.

    Only problem i face is that WP cuts all paragraphs and redoes the div class=”column-left”> … </div> style instead of making them <p> … </p>

    This is how it looks now because WP automatically cuts and restarts the paragraphs.

    <div class="column-left">
    Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen.
    <div class="column-left">
    Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw.

    While it should output this code:

    <div class="column-left">
    <p>Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen.</p>
    <p>Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw.</p>

    This is very frustrated.

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  • Suggestion:
    Add a second class with the post ID so you get "column-left postid-123"

    There are also plugins that will split a post into multiple columns, worth look and a Google.



    You can also code the structural markup into your template, and then use the <!–next page–> feature to break the content up in the WYSIWYG editor.

    <div class="column-left">
       <?php the_content;?>
    <div class="column-left">
        <?php global $page; $page = 2; the_content(); ?>

    You can get the page break button back with this:

    add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'my_wysiwyg_editor' );
    function my_wysiwyg_editor($mce_buttons) {
        $pos = array_search( 'wp_more', $mce_buttons, true );
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $tmp_buttons = array_slice( $mce_buttons, 0, $pos+1 );
            $tmp_buttons[] = 'wp_page';
            $mce_buttons = array_merge( $tmp_buttons, array_slice( $mce_buttons, $pos+1 ) );
        return $mce_buttons;
    Thread Starter Jaja..


    @ Digital Raindrops,

    Thanks for your help,
    But please no plugins for me on this i’ve tried a few and most of them made a mess of the source-code and some added multiple input content fields to your admin-screen. ?really what if you would like 6 column? X => six content input fields! ??

    + If i can teach a client to type shortcodes like this: [column=1] .. [/column] i think i’m at the same level as teaching him real HTML. It’s all about understanding open and closing tags.

    It has to be added by a single button like how MS WORDS or MS Office works.
    Just Select (highlight) some text and push a button to move content to the left or right-side of the webpage.

    @ Jackson,

    Hmm sounds interesting!
    But this would leave me with a few empty <divs> in my source code when he just uses only one column. True?

    Like what if i say you can max. make 6 columns and he would only use one or two of the six this would give me 4 other empty div styles in my source code.

    I know i’m asking much but i really would just like to know WHY aren’t the P tags visible in the HTML editor?

    If i’m working in Visual editor (i was just trying a few minutes ago)
    And i start typing: Hello this is my title.

    After that i select or highlight, Hello this is my title and after that i push the Format > Heading 2 option. That would make it bold and when i take a sneak peak at the HTML editor i see that WordPress has added <h2>Hello this is my title</h2>
    to the editor.

    GREAT feature!

    Why can’t i do the same with the Paragraph tag?
    Just wrap some text and add a P tag to it.

    Why does WordPress waits till you push on publish to add this P tags.
    If WordPress would just added ‘LIVE’ in the editor P tags like it does with all other codes i think i would solve my problem here.

    Because if All content was closed in <p> blabla </p> and i would select or highlighted lets say 3 paragraphs, WordPress would easily wrap all those 3 paragraphs into a Style > Div = class=”column-left”.

    You could use the global $pages to determine the total number and output your code accordingly to avoid empty <div>s

    Thread Starter Jaja..



    Let me go and search if i can find more info on the <!– next page –> function in combination wit multiple contents.


    Thread Starter Jaja..


    I’ve found it!

    Just like you said!
    some times i’m just thinking too big out of the box.

    For people who would like a tutorial while doing this.

    Thanks again.

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