I looked at possibilities. I don’t have enough time to rewite parts of the code to do exactly what you want within the code, but I’ve just released version 1.8.3. Upgrade to this first.
This now has some hooks that we can use.
Put the following code in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
add_filter ('rpi_user_profile_field', 'rew_default', 10, 2 ) ;
add_filter ('rpi_profile_information', 'rew_default', 10, 2 ) ;
function rew_default ($data, $label_id) {
if ($label_id == 'rpi_label1' && empty ($data)) $data = 'man' ;
if ($label_id == 'rpi_label3' && empty ($data)) $data = 'elephant' ;
return $data;
This will make items 1 & 3 have labels of man and elephant
so add or remove the ‘if’ lines and change the words to whatever default to get what you need.
add_filter ('rpi_user_profile_field', 'rew_default', 10, 2 ) ;
add_filter ('rpi_profile_information', 'rew_default', 10, 2 ) ;
function rew_default ($data, $label_id) {
if ($label_id == 'rpi_label1' && empty ($data)) $data = 'man' ;
return $data;
add_filter ('rpi_user_profile_field', 'rew_default', 10, 2 ) ;
add_filter ('rpi_profile_information', 'rew_default', 10, 2 ) ;
function rew_default ($data, $label_id) {
if ($label_id == 'rpi_label1' && empty ($data)) $data = 'man' ;
if ($label_id == 'rpi_label3' && empty ($data)) $data = 'elephant' ;
if ($label_id == 'rpi_label4' && empty ($data)) $data = 'ostrich' ;
return $data;