• mtanner


    For those of us too busy, confused, unaware, etc. to download nightly builds how difficult will the upgrage to to the new full release of WP ? I remeber upgrading from 0.72 to 1.01 and I would hate to have to go through what i did, again.
    I run wp-admin/upgrade.php from time to time which says
    “This file upgrades you from any previous version of WordPress to the latest. It may take a while though, so be patient. “
    Does this really do this? Or will additional steps be needed?

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  • Sushubh


    dunno why, i had no problem upgrading from .72 to 1.01
    and i upgraded atleast 3 blogs…



    I have yet to upgrade from 1.0 to 1.01, I’m still waiting for the next release I guess. I always upgrade to a beta then a few days later a full release is made public. ;p
    What did you have to go through that was so horrible?



    well, geez, SG, what are you waiting for? The rest of use want 1.1 now…. upgrade today, so we can upgrade this weekend!

    Nick Momrik


    1.1-beta has been out for quite some time. ??



    *LOL* TG! That’s how it works, I swear. ??
    mtanner, you did make it sound horrible or something. *LOL* I too have a lot of mods done with my blog, but you know what, it’s easier when you paste them into a notepad file and save it that way. I love WP 1.0 and I’m anxiously awaiting the next non-beta release as I don’t like buggies. ??
    I did have to work back to my layout, but that’s the only real bug I don’t mind. I had no problem importing my b2 posts when I switched to WP .72, sorry to hear you did though.

    Nick Momrik


    upgrade.php upgrades things in the database. You still need to upload all of the new files before running the upgrade.
    https://www.ads-software.com/nightly/ is the link where 1.1-beta is. I think it’s been beta for a week or two at least.



    Just for the record: if you’re going to use nightly builds, do so on test blogs for debugging. Using a nightly build on a production website is not wise.
    mtanner, the upgrade.php script is done in such a way that you will likely not experience any problem or have to deal with details. It just silently upgrades your WP database, and does so in a sensible manner: if it found that it already updated it, it won’t run the queries again.
    ( Please note that this behaviour can break in nightly builds, as experienced recently, so you’re better off upgrading to 1.0.1 and wait for the next real release. )

    Nick Momrik


    Or you can live on the edge… ??

    What about downgrading from 1.2 alpha to 1.01?

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