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    I used a theme in the past that gave the capability to select which WordPress Pages a “Module” (same as Widgets) would display. That theme is now incompatible with WP 2.3. But I really liked being able to pick which WP Page a module/widget would display.

    In WP 2.3 is there a plugin or setting that would give me the capability to choose which WP Page a given Widget will display? For example, I’d like some Widgets to display on the front page only, but not on other WP Pages that are part of the same website.

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  • This question has been asked in various ways for a long time.
    See here and here and here.

    The answer seems to be that Widgets simply cannot work that way right now. The closest you can do is use the Conditional_tags. It’s not the easiest or best solution, but it works. I’m hoping future releases of WordPress will add some feature to improve this aspect of the widgets.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Coding it up is not difficult, but there has been debate over how to correctly implement the user interface to do this sort of thing. It’s generally agreed that the Sidebar Modules was too difficult and confusing to use.

    Perhaps 2.5 and its redesigned administration screens will make this simpler to do and get it into the code.

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