• For example I have an image that’s very long but want to show a cropped version of that but when people click my blog post from the homepage they see the longer version.

    I tried doing multiple php functions with “hard crop” but I’m not getting why it wont work. Which is why at this point I just want to make 2 images – 1 for the homepage/ 1 for the blog post. Thanks.

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Maybe try this instead:

    .home .entry p:first-of-type {
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;

    Thread Starter deanmoney


    That works a lot better but I think this is the wrong direction. I want to be able to control the pictures I want to be 600X375 and not have my whole site get changed. And also I want to be able to crop which section gets to be 600X375.

    If you don’t know anything else I appreciate the help.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    A temporary solution would be to keep targeting the post classes so that the CSS applies to certain posts. Not your whole website.

    Each post on the Home page is contained in a <div> element that has a unique class. The Audrey Middleton post has a unique class of “post-4262”. You can use that in CSS like this:

    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type {
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;

    This means you can target it in CSS and not affect other posts on the Home page.

    Then for any other posts that you want to target, you find out the unique class and modify your CSS to include it. For example, the next post about “Big Brother 17 Houseguests Revealed” has the unique class of “post-4081”, so you’d use this code instead:

    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type {
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;

    You can find out these classes in the Chrome browser really easily, just right click on the post general area and select “Inspect element”. Then you are shown a toolbar with the emulated HTML of the page: https://snag.gy/ITMhX.jpg

    Thread Starter deanmoney


    That’s actually very helpful. But my question is for some pics I want the 375 height to start a little lower/height than others. Anyway to incorporate that into the code as well? Or is that too complicated and not possible? Thanks again.

    Thread Starter deanmoney


    Is this really the most effective way to do this? Does the “Manual Image Crop” just not work with my theme? I see that a 600×375 file is made but not sure its that’s aromatic via the functions line or via that plugin.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    The regenerate thumbnails plugin will not create the thumbnail, it’ll just replicate the process of re-uploading your images into the Media Library. So, the 600×375 file is made by your functions line.

    Thread Starter deanmoney


    After 3 days of messing with this I’ve officially gone insane j/k lol Would you know how to modify the code:

    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type {
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;

    to have it start the 375 height like 40-50 pixels from the top by post number?

    Or would you know just how to start the 375 height like 40-50 pixels from the top by all post numbers that I list? This way it’s not by individual post but simpler.

    I guess not many people want to do what I’m doing or else wordpress would make it easier I would assume. Thanks again Andrew.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Do you mean you want to create a gap above the image? If so, try:

    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type {
       margin-top: 40px;
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;

    Thread Starter deanmoney


    Not a gap in the spacing. If you look at the image itself I want to cut half the space above the persons head since the images has too much blue space. If that makes sense. So basically have the 375 height in the image not start from of the top of the image but a little bit lower.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Try using this code instead:

    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type {
       margin-top: -40px;
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;
       position: relative;
       border-top: 40px solid white;
    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type img,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type img {
       margin-top: -40px;

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Actually this instead:

    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type {
       margin-top: -20px;
       max-height: 375px;
       overflow: hidden;
       position: relative;
       border-top: 40px solid white;
    .home .post-4262 .entry p:first-of-type img,
    .home .post-4081 .entry p:first-of-type img {
       margin-top: -40px;

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