• Resolved smarxer


    An earlier post about IE 11 had a link to a website using Longevity. I love the top bar where he has a neat little search box to the right of the social menu. I used Developer to copy code–but I’m not sure how/where to apply it. (I managed to activate the search function, but the box is ugly, and I can’t put it on top where I want it.) Here’s the website URL where I saw what I want: https://vbemsdemo.azurewebsites.net/

    Thank you for your help– and I screwed up. I’ve never reviewed a theme before, and I couldn’t believe some of the negative reviews. So I went to give Longevity a 5-star review–and it popped up with 2 stars. Maybe you know how to delete that or fix it. All I could do was edit the post to say how many stars were intended. Sorry.

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  • Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Hi smarxer…I see the search field to the right of the social icons, is that where you want it or at the top of the icons? I’m also guessing you want the field to match that of the themes own input search field demo?

    Regarding the star rating, I just put the request in to the WordPress Slack chatroom, so we’ll see if they can make that change for you.

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Got an update from the forum team…they said you can edit the rating from here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/theme-reviews/longevity#postform They said you can edit your review and the star rating.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Thanks–I just edited it, but maybe it needs to wait a few minutes because it doesn’t show the change.

    And yes, to the right. I only have a couple of icons so it will fit nicely. The one at the link in my first post is a perfect match. One of the rules I copied is below, and may be one of the keys. I would have just tried it with Custom CSS, but there were more rules-
    /*media all*/
    .header-searchbox {
    height: 22px !important;

    I can get the basic search field that sits in the sidebar, and in fact have it activated. It just looks…crude I guess, compared to the little sleeker ones you see around–and isn’t on the front page. I had started out with Evolve, and loved that feature (icons and search neatly tucked away–but handy–in the top corner.

    My site is a sandbox I’m using to rebuild the official site, but it’s open if you want to see the basic structure: https://www.ruby-mt.com/

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Probably…although it shows 5-stars on my end. Thank you by the way!

    Back to your request, I looked at the site you provided a link to, and see they put the search on the social menu, although not sure how they managed that without doing a child theme and adding that in manually — unless that is how they did it. But it’s more likely what you will have to do because it’s adding code into the header.php file.

    One thing that came to mind though is that I’ve had someone else a while back ask about adding a search field there, you being the second. I might consider doing that on the next theme update. However, that doesn’t help you at this moment, so here is what you will need to do…

    You will need to create a child theme so that you can make this change, but maintain the ability to receive theme updates without losing your custom changes. I do have a tutorial for this HERE One thing to keep in mind, if you decide to use a child theme, it means all your theme customizer option/settings will have to be redone because WordPress will see the child theme activation as a new theme.

    As for the code to modify and place it in that area, I can help you out with that.

    Your other option would be to wait for the next theme update at which point I would probably have an optional search field up in the top area (to the right of the social icons). Not sure when that will be though.

    As a side note, I see your background image is not filling the page area for larger screens. IF you want your background image to always cover the whole area, here is a piece of custom CSS you can do:

    body.custom-background {
        background-size: cover;

    I think I will also add this option setting to the next update as well. What the cover style does is expands the image to fill the area at any browser window size.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Thanks. I’m hoping to have this done in a week…or 2…so maybe I’ll wait for a bit. I’m already working via a child theme, plus I copy any code changes to notes on my hard drive. I have a page of code I copied via Developer for that search bar–I just don’t know how much or what parts–or where–to put it. But I could send it to you if that would help.

    Interesting about the background image. I have a 24″ monitor, and it covers good. I use the newest MS Edge browser, but I’ve looked at it with Firefox too. What were you looking at it with? I’ll go ahead and plug in that code though so I’m “covered” ??

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    If the update I do is not out by then, and the fact you are using a child theme already, I can help you with file and code to move into the child theme with and some other details.

    As for the monitor, I use a 27″ monitor with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, so I see a lot more area.

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    I’m just doing a quick follow up to the search in the top bar area. I know I said I would “consider” adding it to an update, but after looking at what would be required, it looks like it would create some potential problems for existing users of Longevity if this was added to an update. The amount of recoding would be significant because I also have to take in account the pro version as well, so I decided to hold off on this idea.

    I don’t really do custom work for anyone, but I did make it sound like I was going to add this to the next theme update. So what I will do is make an exception by writing a tutorial on my website to add a search field to the top bar. Once I finish this, I will reply back here with the link to it and the code that you will need to insert into your child theme.

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Have I got some good news for you. The search field option is added to the update I just uploaded as Longevity version 1.2.8 and waiting for the review team to approve it.

    You can see the demo, as it has it live.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Oh man! That is totally awesome! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try it. Once this sandbox site is approved, I plan to purchase Longevity Pro since your customer service is 2nd to none, not to mention the theme is exactly what I’ve been searching for…would have saved me tons of time and frustration had I found it a few months ago.

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    You’re very welcome ??

    I thought I would make this work somehow so I went ahead and included it with a the added “option” to enable it for current users of longevity.

    Anyway, not sure how long it will take the review team to approve it, but I’m guessing they will go live with it early next week. If you need it sooner, you can actually download it right away, but it means you will need to unzip it and upload to overwrite the existing theme files.

    Theme ZIP.

    …or you can wait for them to review and approve it. If you install before, just make sure you make a copy of the current version and save it somewhere in case something doesn’t go right.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    That happened quick! I need some help though. It looks and works beautifully on Firefox, but on my main IE (Edge) browser, it looks pretty–but is dead. You can see it at ruby-mt.com. At first I was afraid maybe I did something awhile back–I had to use my custom functions file to get Search to activate. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I did some research, then copied and pasted some code–and it worked–so I left it alone.

    But then I tried Firefox, and the new Search is perfect there, so the custom functions may not be the problem.

    Again, I am so excited about this classy search–and so impressed by your quick attention. Thanks again!

    (Also, I want you to know your tutorial on setting up the front page was a HUGE help to me, and what finally got me going after I high-centered on Evolve theme!)

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Odd…I just tried it in my IE Edge and did a search of Silver Star and I got two results:

    Twin Bridges

    The form is the exact code for the search widget, just without the button. Does a widget version of Search work?

    Your welcome about the Front Page tutorial. I plan to make that a standard setup tutorial for each of my themes.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Shoot. I suspect I may have made some critical errors when I was trying to get rid of “array” on my Evolve theme when I lost the footer. I tried several things–including some file changes, deleting, reinstalling, reinstalling WordPress, anything I thought might help. I finally just deleted everything to do with the theme–and got Longevity.

    My Edge Developer always shows 13 errors. HTTP404: NOT FOUND – The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (XHR)- https:/widgets.wp.com/client/boot, then 12 that start https:/stylesheets/shared/reset.scss, (then sizes.scss, extends.scss , animations.scss, forms.scss, and color.scss. Then, stylesheets/main.scss, block-user.scss , note-common.scss, actions.scss, overlay-bars.scss, and spinner.scss. And #13, wp.com/client/suggestions/styles.scss. This is since my trouble prior to Longevity. I don’t have a clue what all that means, and no time to figure it out since everything seemed OK–except I thought it strange I had to use function.php custom to activate search.

    Maybe I should try cutting that customization out, and see if the new search element will work? Any ideas of what all that Developer stuff means? LOL search is the least of my problems at the moment. I had to go into Maintenance Mode trying to configure s2Members plug-in to work with my Business Directory plug-in. I just want to leave…go chase some cows!

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    404 means the pages or files are not found…they are deleted or moved. I’m assuming you are also using jetpack, as a result of seeing the https:/widgets.wp.com.

    When things are wacky, it’s common to disable all plugins, test the site, then one by one turn them on and test the site each time to find out if a plugin is causing issues.

    Regarding the search…try the live demo site for Longevity using the top search and see if that works for you in your IE Edge. Search for something like: lorem

    If that works, then you know it’s something in your site, either code you did or a plugin(s). Odd though that it would only affect your Edge browser and not others.

    Thread Starter smarxer


    Found it! I removed the search function code I’d added to the custom php file. That did the trick. Thanks again. That’s one important piece out of my way now.

    I’m going back to your tutorial for some more help–and to sign up if you have a newsletter or feed for any other tutorials or tips you may publish.

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