• Resolved emmykk


    please i need help as to how to add breadcrumb to the leaf theme.so that when a visitor arrive it will display the breadcrumb path.thank friends

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  • I am using RDFa Breadcrumb (plugin) and call it in single.php like this:

     * The Template for displaying all single posts.
     * @since Leaf 1.0
    get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="primary" class="site-content <?php echo leaf_grid_width( 'content' ); ?> columns">
    		<div id="content" role="main">
    		<center><?php if(function_exists('rdfa_breadcrumb')){ rdfa_breadcrumb(); } ?></center>
    			<?php leaf_post_before(); // Before post hook. ?>

    right before the ‘before post hook’

    Thread Starter emmykk


    thanks haltas for your concern,after i have install and activated the plugin,you mention call it in single.php like this:and you wrote your codes
    please i dont no codes!but tell me the extact line to look for and the code to paste there can you explain what i will do when i get to the editor area. i beg .
    gethotinfo.com is my test site.
    i saw that wpbeginner.com has semblemce to leaf theme and they using breadcrumb there,i real like to apply it

    Thread Starter emmykk


    haltas thanks it works.i used BreadcrumbNavxt in my case .it works thanks dear

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