So if all you ever want is a few sentences at the top-most before list of posts in home(index) page, you could just add it as CSS content. First, install any of the Custom CSS plugin, and then add this CSS into it, change the message to yours.
Example of Custom CSS plugin found in WP plugin repo.
Add this into its option page and change the message to yours
/* add a few sentences to the top before list of posts in home (index) page for WP's 2014 theme */ .site-content:before {
content: "Hello Welcome to this site, enjoy reading or viewing the content, and have a nice day!";
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-bottom: 48px;
padding: 0 48px 48px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #888;
@media screen and (max-width: 400px) { .content-area { padding-top: 48px ; } .site-content:before { padding: 0 10px 48px; font-size: small; }
If you want more than just a few sentences, you need to register a new sidebar (a widget block in WP is called sidebar), and put it in the template via Child Theme, placing the call to the sidebar inside a WP conditional function to make sure that it appear only on the home (index) page. Once you got it working, drag a text/html widget into it and then you can write your own HTML there.
Child Themes
WP sidebar, old article but still current and very useful.
For tag or category archive page, there is built-in tag/cat description, manageable via WP admin page, under Post, click to edit each particular cat or tag that you want to add the description in. Once the description is entered, it will show up at the top-most of that cat or tag archive listing page. This functionality doesn’t allow HTML, it only allows text and WP will automatically wrap it with paragraph tag. So if you want to put your own HTML other than p tag, then look for a plugin that allows html in tag, category description.
This one is an example.