• I am fairly new to web design and brand new to WordPress so I’m not sure if this is the best topic to post this question in.

    My web site is: https://www.replacementchild.com and I use iWeb to create the web pages. My current blog page has the url: https://www.replacementchild.com/blog.html

    I just installed WordPress on my web space and migrated the contents from a WordPress blog that my hosting company (1and1.com) provided. The url for the blog is: https://www.replacementchild.com/blog

    Currently, I display the blog on my web page by using an iFrame on my web page that contains a reference to the blog url so it looks like the blog is on my page. The problem is, when Google, etc. finds the blog, the link goes to the plain web page (www.replacementchild.com/blog) which doesn’t look like my site and doesn’t have any way to get back to my site.

    Someone suggested putting an html snippet in the footer.php file to redirect the actual blog page to my web site blog page but that creates a loop on the web site page and does not display properly.

    Someone else suggested that I create a blank web page from my site and save it as the html and use that page information to create a theme page for the blog so that the blog looks and acts just like my other web pages. If that is true, I’m not sure how to approach that and would appreciate any help in setting this up.

    If there is an easier or better way to do this, I would appreciate any suggestions.

    Thank you.


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  • I’d find a theme that is close to the look of your exisiting iWeb site and use that, replacing header and background images, etc. Activate that theme, and then move your blog to root so your wordpress blog with new theme is replacementchild.com by following the instructions here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory.

    Both of those steps are much easier than working with the html that iWeb produces, iframes, etc., and will be much more reliable and easier to maintain.

    Thread Starter dschwartzer


    Thanks for the quick response. Can you give me a little more detail on how to change an existing theme to match my site? I have jpg files for my top and side banners as well as the various pictures, etc. on the page. How do I integrate them into an existing theme?

    If you go to the site you will see that it has a very distinctive look and matches a book that the site is about so I want to keep the look of the blog identical. Also, I will need to have links on the blog page to the other pages on the site. Can that be done easily? Again, I am fairly new to web design and rely on the iWeb tools to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Also, I really can’t move the blog to the root.

    The web site has a lot of pages and the home page (www.replacementchild.com) has its own content. The blog (www.replacementchild.com/blog) needs to be a link off the main home page. My goal is to keep the blog page looking exactly like the other pages.

    Thanks again for your help.

    If you have at least little experience with web programming this should be pretty easy.

    Include everything you have in the header in a file called header.php and I would replace the “Buy the book panel with the sidebar, then include the link to buy the book in a widget.
    Put everything you want to be displayed in the sidebar in a file called sidebar.php.

    Put the rest in index.php and that should be your wordpress theme that contains the design of your site.

    @pseudoxiah It’s considered good manners not to jump into threads where others are already helping.

    @dschwartzer You will need to learn a bit of CSS and HTML to modify a theme to make it look like your existing site. That said, wordpress takes care of many things, like automatic links to other pages, news feeds, links to other sites you like. And moving the blog to root is no big deal. Look through the free themes and find one that you like the looks of and Install it through your wordpress dashboard.

    Lots of help here: New To WordPress – Where to Start and Getting Started with WordPress and in these forums.

    @songdogtech You really have some unhealthy beliefs. This being the second time you leave me this reply I assume you really heve some frustrations.

    Well I can tell you the following:

    1. It’s not called jumping in, you don’t own a thread where you left the first reply – and you can’t be sure you have the perfect solution

    2. For how long you’ve been around if totally irrelevant. If you can’t win your respect, don’t ask for it.

    Sorry for the offtopic but you should really get a grip.

    @songdogtech: How long would it take for people to get help if only one person replied to each thread. What if you answer one question and the go to sleep (or work) for 8 hours, and in the mean time someone posts a follow up question? And I would say that some of us have been around a lot longer than you.

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