• How do i change the fond color ?

    I would like to use a different color for the testimonials as the contact has. How can i do that?`


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  • Hi.

    Please send screenshot where you want to change font-color.


    Moderator Jose Castaneda



    @weblizar_support please stop asking people for screenshots to CSS related questions.

    These are simple requests and changes that can be handled.


    @chrismccarston taking a look at the stylesheet ( https://themes.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/enigma-parallax/1.2/style.css ) there are a few classes in the testimonial are that may be useful for you. They do start right around line 1820 but the one that does change the text color is enigma_testimonial_area p

    So, if you are using a child theme, custom CSS plugin or if the theme has the ability to you can use something like:

    .enigma_testimonial_area p {
      color: #feed00; /* this would be the color you want */

    Let us know if that helps! ??

    Thread Starter chrismccarston


    Thanks for your suggestions,

    unfortunately nothing changed. So it doesn′t work.

    Any other solutions?

    Hi@ Jose Castaneda

    Thanks for support.

    @chrismccarston, Please add below css code intop custom css edior.

    .enigma_testimonial_area p{
       color: COLOR-CODE !important;

    Here you can replaced COLOR-CODE by your choice.

    Save the changes.


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