Hi @person123,
I have not been able to find any code online re changing the search placeholder for Storefront… Only other themes using Woocomerce.
Any way to customise this?
Storefront is WooCommerce’s premier theme, so changing it with processes for other themes that use WooCommerce should be fine. You should also be able to add the following code:
// Alter header menu searchform placeholder text
// Alter header m add_filter( 'wpex_get_header_menu_search_form_placeholder', function() {
return __( 'Your custom text', 'Total' );
} );
// Alter core searchform placeholder (such as sidebar widget)
add_filter( 'wpex_search_placeholder_text', function() {
return __( 'Your custom text', 'Total' );
} );
into your child theme’s function.php file, changing the ‘Your Custom Text’ to what you would like.
You can use the Code Snippets plugin to do this if you do not have a child theme. If you are unfamiliar with how to set up a child theme you can look at this link.
Let us know if this helps!