Sorry, I thought the link you referenced was from someone else’s site.
Thumbnail size is auto generated when you upload an image to the media library.
Settings > Media is where you might set a larger image height/width, then WordPress will generate a thumbnail at that size and a Medium and Large image for you.
Generally speaking, when inserting an image into a post, you can select Thumbnail, Medium, Large, or Original. But this is in a “product page” you are using from WooCommerce, so it’s a function of Woo Commerce to set the image sizes. I suspect if you change the page settings for an all products page from 4 column to 3 column, the image sizes will get larger automatically based on the fact that three columns needs to now fill the entire page width and not 4. So, check your WooCommerce settings and see if you can change your display layout to 3-columns.
Other than that, this is a WooCommerce issue, not a WordPress issue.
While you might think the image sizes are too small, WooCommerce has standardized product images in their theme to work across the web for tens of thousands of websites. You might want to investigate a plugin for WooCommerce that “zooms” into your thumbnails, like here on, which I’ve been working on for a client. Remember that your thumbnails on the all products or category landing page are going to be smaller than the primary product page.
I’m sure WooCommerce must also have a plugin that generates a “Quick View” modal window of the product, so that you don’t have to go into the page and you can add it to cart without having to navigate to the page.
Actually, I just found it here:
That may be better than trying to increase the size of the thumbnail.