• Alice Todd



    I am trying to create a blog as part of my website https://www.swimquest.uk.com.
    At the moment I have created an additional page here: https://www.swimquest.uk.com/blog however I would like this page to act as a normal blog page – so to show snippets of each article rather than me having to display the whole article.

    At the moment I’m not sure how to do this, I do not want to blog entries to appear on the homepage, only on the blog page, and I do not want to have a static front page of the website.

    It would be great to get your thoughts.


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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi Alice, you could create a category for your other blog posts (called “Blog” or “News” or whatever you like) and then exclude that category from the main blog stream.

    The easiest way to accomplish that is by using a plugin, for example:


    To display your new Blog category with text excerpts, instead of in Pictorico’s standard grid display for posts, you can use another plugin, like Display Posts Shortcode:


    This would let you put a shortcode on a page, specifying that you want only the Blog category with excerpts displayed.

    Thread Starter Alice Todd


    Hi Kathryn,

    Spot on as always! I have done as you suggested and successfully have the blog posts on the page https://www.swimquest.uk.com/blog.

    One other question if you don’t mind. Is it possible to make the posts display as per the homepage in Pictorico or not? If not, do you know the CSS to tidy them up a bit? Maybe make the titles bold, and the excerpt underneath in normal body text?

    Thanks again,


    Is it possible to make the posts display as per the homepage in Pictorico or not?

    Do you mean in a grid? The grid doesn’t have excerpts displayed, only post titles.

    If you want a grid style – aka without excerpts – then perhas you just want to the automatically generated blog category archive:


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