How do I disable the fadeInLeft/fadeInRight feature
I have attempted to make changes to the custom.js (remove the animation query), removed any reference to the classes (pagewrap/postwrap) in style.css, removed what I thought would work in the animation.css to get rid of the fadeInLeft/fadeInRight animation, cleared my cache, refreshed and its still there. I’ve used firefox / chrome / IE. Oh and I also removed the scroll on load so I wont have to scroll to get the fade in effect. Can you PLEASE show/tell me how to disable this feature? I’m at the end of my rope!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
The process is given here:
ShriPlease forgive this long post. I didn’t see how to upload files.
Are the steps:
1. go to wp-content/themes/skt-girlie-lite/js/custom.js
2. remove the animation classes jquery lines we have written like fadeIn, bounceIn etc.
3. go to style.css and remove visibility:hidden for all those classes mentioned in custom.jsOr are there other steps? If the ones above are what you are referring to. I have done that.
Copy of whats in my custom.js file now:
var ww = jQuery(window).width();
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(“.nav li a”).each(function() {
if (jQuery(this).next().length > 0) {
jQuery(“.toggleMenu”).click(function(e) {
})// navigation orientation resize callbak
jQuery(window).bind(‘resize orientationchange’, function() {
ww = jQuery(window).width();
});var adjustMenu = function() {
if (ww < 981) {
jQuery(“.toggleMenu”).css(“display”, “block”);
if (!jQuery(“.toggleMenu”).hasClass(“active”)) {
} else {
jQuery(“.nav li”).unbind(‘mouseenter mouseleave’);
} else {
jQuery(“.toggleMenu”).css(“display”, “none”);
jQuery(“.nav li”).removeClass(“hover”);
jQuery(“.nav li a”).unbind(‘click’);
jQuery(“.nav li”).unbind(‘mouseenter mouseleave’).bind(‘mouseenter mouseleave’, function() {
}jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(‘.srchicon’).click(function() {
Copy of my style.css file:
Theme Name: SKT Girlie Lite
Theme URI:
Author: SKT Themes
Author URI:
Description: SKT Girlie is a girlie, architecture, builder, and industry related business, corporate, personal, photography and real estate theme which showcases project galleries, contact info, nicely laid out content, animated sections, and compatibility with WooCommerce, NextGen Gallery and contact form 7. Check demo at: 1.5
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txt
Text Domain: skt-girlie
Tags: black,gray,yellow,white,dark,light,one-column,two-columns,right-sidebar,responsive-layout,custom-background,custom-colors,custom-menu,sticky-post,theme-options,threaded-comments,translation-readyGirlie Lite WordPress Theme has been created by SKT Themes(, 2016.
Girlie Lite WordPress Theme is released under the terms of GNU GPL
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————————————————————– */
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————————————————————– */
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————————————————————– */
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————————————————————– */
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————————————————————– */
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————————————————————– */
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/* ============= Contact Page =========== */
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/* ============= Widget Sidebar ============ */
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#sidebar ul li ul, #sidebar ul li ul li ul, #sidebar ol li ol, #sidebar ol li ol li ol{ margin-left:0px;}Any additional ideas? It looks like my files are right, but it’s still not working right. I feel like I’m missing something, but I don’t know what else? Please help. Thanks.
I take that back. I just tried my website and everything immediately came up. Not sure what happened. Maybe the WordPress upgrade I just got fixed it. Thanks WordPress & Shri
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