• I found out my blog has a virus, because the company network for my day job want let it open. I get a message at work that it has a virus or malware.

    But, I can view my blow and work in WP-Admin without any problem at home. When I open a feedburner email the avira anti-virus software bleeps and says the feed has JS Agent.1366.

    Does anyone know how I can find and remove this? Any help will be appreciated because I don’t know what steps to take. Will upgrading to 2.6 fix this? Should I find and remove the virus before upgrading to 2.6? Thanks.

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  • Just a smile and the rain is gone
    Can hardly believe it, yeah
    There’s an angel standing next to me
    Reaching for my heart.
    Just a smile and there’s no way back
    Can hardly believe it, yeah.
    But there’s an angel, she’s calling me, reaching for my heart
    I know that I’ll Be Ok now, this time is real.
    浜松市 ホテル
    浜松市 ビジネスホテル

    hello every body i am new to this site i was attacked by iframe virus in my site/sites before and now also so i thought to c for what is causing it so i downloaded all the site contents from my virus attacked site and also downloaded the new WP instalion files also so i found max files same but two files were not there in new instalation and these two files were awailable in virus attacked files those are


    is it true that these files contain iframe virus as i told that i am new pls sombody tell me

    there have been changes regularly in index.php files

    sorry if i am wrong

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