• I used .htaccess file to change my default page from mydomain.com/index.php (where I use WP) to mydomain.com/something.php so I could add intro page… The problem is that links look like this : https://mydomain.com/?p=661 and they’re redirecting back to intro page… How can I fix this ?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Hm, instead of trying .htaccess to accomplish that, try this plugin instead: https://www.semiologic.com/projects/static-front/

    Why not just use the home.php built-in feature?

    Thread Starter pera


    What’s that ???

    See the Template Hierarchy in the Codex. If you have a template called home.php in your theme it takes precedence over index.php and acts as an “intro” page (if you wish).

    I have a question on the template hierarchy. If you have a home.php, how can you then view index.php? If I manually type out https://www.myurl.com/index.php, I get redirected to home.php.

    What do you want to see on the index.php? (Actually it will be used if any of the other “special” templates is missing… )
    Whether to use a plugin or the home.php depends on what exactly do you want to achieve.

    Well, if you use home.php to create a splash page, then you’d want index.php to function normally, showing all your categories, etc.

    Oh, you want a totally non-WP related splash? (not so “trendy” anymore ??
    Anyway, in that case I don’t know.

    Well, I don’t necessarily want that, I’m just curious. It could be a situation where I only wanted 1 category on the front page, and I wanted the template to look slightly different from the rest of the site (like a 3/2 column design, for instance), so I’d use home.php for this. I would then want to display the ‘normal’ blog page, and use index.php to do this. It’s essentially the same scenario I described earlier, but in this case the home.php makes use of WP. (BTW, sorry to hijack this thread, it wasn’t my intention.)

    Thread Starter pera


    I wan’t “a totally non-WP related splash” like the one I’m using now (allaboutmadonna.com) but WP links don’t work… I tried static-front plugin but then it’s still using my WP template on that intro page

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