• jeanbledsoe


    This is what I have on my left side navigation menu. Dashboard, posts, media, links, pages, comments, profile, and tools. Where do I find “appearance, plugin, users, and settings” and the rest of the navigation menu items?

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  • Help! I have this same problem. I have re-uploaded all my core files and am running 3.3.1. I have not found an answer to this problem and cannot edit my website.

    Did you install this wordpress on your host account or are you using wordpress.com

    WordPress is installed on my godaddy hosting account. They say there are no problems on their end.

    Be in contact with godaddy hosting they’ll help you absolutely the problem is theirs not in wordpress.

    How did you install wordpress as looks like is not installed properly as you should see all the menus if you are on your own host.do you know what version wordpress you have installed.

    If you have 3.3.1 then replace all files and folder except wp-content folder and wp-config.php file from a fresh download.

    GoDaddy is no help, they say there is no problem on their end and even though they installed it originally, they will not do it for me again. Thank you govpatel, I have been manually updating so I am familiar with replacing the files. I think there is corruption going on within the original theme that was created by a programmer. I may have to start from scratch with a new site if I can’t get this resolved.

    Did you try and switch theme to default twenty eleven and see if you have same problem

    I can’t access the appearance panel to change themes, it is missing along with the plug-in and user panel.

    Use ftp or log in Go daddy account and browse to wp-content/themes folder in there you will find your theme folder rename the folder

    I made a second (new) folder and moved all the themes I installed in Feb. to this new folder. I then copied all the files as instructed above. My site didn’t come back up until I moved back the folder with my original custom theme – I just got a white screen, not even a default web page. The appearance, plug-in, and user menus on left are still gone.

    You are not suppose to move anything all I said was to rename your theme.

    Need to know exactly what files and folders you have in your wordpress install.

    I can help you better if you can meet on skype my id is govindjip if you use skype.

    Thank you govpatel. I am installing skype now, and when I checked my hosting, it doesn’t reflect the upgrades I have made to 3.3.1. It also said there were installation errors, so I am waiting for that to be completed.

    jeanbledsoe, I hope you resolved your issue. Mine turned out to be a corrupted database, along with some other issues. govpatel was so helpful and my problem is officially resolved. I couldn’t find an answer anywhere in these forums, but govpatel taught me what I needed to know. Thank You Again!

    You are welcome

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