• How do I get Course Info to show up on my blog, ideally in place of the default About page? It would also be nice to put course description and instructor info on the home page in two separate places, as in here: https://clioweb.org/courses/history120/fall07/

    Let me know if I should do this manually for now–that I can figure out for myself.

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  • There’s several ways to go. You could use Categories and ‘child categories’ and write a post about each course. So Category could be Courses, ‘child category’ could be History 120. Then the WordPress native category process would give you navigation to Courses and to History 120.

    You could also create a Page for your courses or you could also use tags.

    Best bet is to try a couple approaches. Remember you can always delete posts, pages, and categories if you don’t like them.

    With the Courseware plugin, you can do this by adding <?php courseinfo_printfull(); ?> anywhere to your theme. This adds all the info you put into your courseinfo fields. This function is located in spcourseware-public.php if you’d like to edit the HTML formatting for it.

    Hi guys,

    Can you tell me how to do the same thing, but for the Bibliography items?

    I need the code to list them inside a post or page.

    Thanks in advance.

    Does this plugin work with WP 2.6.3 and 2.7?

    Hi bluebird2,

    The latest tag does work with 2.6.3. I haven’t tested it yet with 2.7, but will hopefully do that over the Thanskgiving holiday next week.


    Hi rzamith

    So sorry for the very late response to your question.

    The plugin currently doesn’t include a helper function to put the bibliography anywhere in your template. Right now, the plugin creates a page called “Bibliography” and inserts the following code in that page’s content:

    <div id="sp-bibliography"><spbibliography /></div>

    The plugin in turn uses the <spbibliography /> to output the content for the bibliography. You should be able to use this tag in the HTML of any post or page to generate the entire bibliography listing, but I haven’t tried it.

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