• I want to only show specific post on specific pages

    On some pages, I want specific posts in a spcific order

    On other pages, I only want specific posts, in date order
    (And I want to have many pages like this where only specific posts show)

    I was pulling up my sleeves getting ready to try and create a few if statements and do it all myself – but then I thought – surely… there MUST be plugins ready made that already do this!!?

    I’d appreciate any recommentations

    I have actually tried on or 2 in the past – these were quite good

    But what would be really good for me is if I could assign a tag or custom field to a psot and have it automatically assigned – as opposed to creating the post and then manually assigning to a specific group



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  • To resort the order of posts, using the WordPress Default theme for example, in the wp-content/themes/default/index.php file, just before the line:
    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>

    put this:

    <?php query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=date&order=ASC'); ?>

    The query_posts() article explains the arguments in detail.

    Page Template
    Category Templates
    Tag Templates
    Stepping Into Templates
    Template Hierarchy

    And a plugin:

    Thread Starter OM2


    thanks for the reply
    i’ve followed all links u gave and read all text – i’m still a little confused ??

    imagine that i have a page split into 4 equal parts
    what i want: to display a specific different post in each of the 4 parts
    each of the specific posts i ant to display are NOT related

    great, i have my answer: query_posts()
    except this is not the answer – the documentation specifically says *not* to use it for secondary loops

    how would i bring get the 4 posts i want to show?

    one way i can think of is putting together a long argument string, where i specify which specific posts i want to get back as arguments to the function call – this would get long if for example if i had 10 specific posts i wanted to display

    does that make sense?
    is that a good idea?

    is there any other ways to achieve what i want?



    Yes you can enter a custom field and a corresponding value into the posts and query them that way, but it seems to me like you can do what you want by assigning the posts to categories or querying for a certain tag.

    Thread Starter OM2


    thanks for the reply
    what if:

    – the first post match was for a category
    – the second for a tag
    – the third for a custom field
    – the 4th for another custom field, but with a particular value

    how would i retrieve all of the above?
    the only way i can see is putting together a loooong argument to pass in

    if i hadn’t read the bit about using in secondary loops – i would have just made 4 separate queries and and 4 separate loops (ok, i’m sure that’s bad programming – but that’s how i would have done it!)

    let me know what u think


    It can be done with conditional tags or a custom query in the loop code but you’d have to pay me to actually write it.

    I’d go with four different queries.

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