I think the thing I find the most appalling is the like it or leave it attitude. I read a post somewhere here where a person used the term dinosaurs about those who don’t move to the FLAT look. Not everyone is buying into the Wondows 8, X Box One (which I won’t ever purchase) BS or the whole smartphone to do everything mantra.
I find Windows 8’s interface annoying, The colors look like something out of a Kindergarten class. Large blocky icons that take up way to much real estate. And all that stupid animated icons is just to distracting when your spending hours in front of a screen modding a forum or coding PHPBB3 those bright colors are just miserable to work with.
Please listen to the users, yes if some like it give them the option to keep it but for those who don’t give us the freedom to choose not to be forced into a technology that does not fit how we work. After all the end goal for any developer is to make software that allows people to be productive. Not dazzled by the latest gizmo.
I think the worst part was this update was pushed out via the admin panel and it looked like a security update. Instead it should have had a warning stating that this is a major update and will change to how you use WP if you choose to update. If I would have known before hand I would have stayed with 3.7. Most likely by 3.9 there will be a way to get the old admin look back, I certainly hope so.
All those folks who worked on the update thanks for trying to make things better, maybe next time you should include those in your beta team that don’t like the flat look, and at least give users a choice. After all it’s not about you, it’s about allowing people to continue to run their blogs and work as THEY know best.