How do i handle image size?
How do I fetch specific images size from category and sub categories, like thumbnail/large/medium etc something like we use in get_the_post_thumbnail() method, although i tried this option as well but not working..let me know how do i show specific size image.
This is the code I am using –
<?php $args=array( 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC' ); $categories=get_categories('title_li=&hide_empty=0&parent=40'); foreach($categories as $subcategory) { $subcat_link = get_category_link( $subcategory->term_id ); echo '<a href="' . get_category_link( $subcategory->term_id ) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( "View all posts in %s" ), $subcategory->name ) . '" ' . '>' . $subcategory->name; echo '</a>'; ?> <img src="<?php echo z_taxonomy_image_url($subcategory->term_id); ?>" /> <?php echo '<p>'. $subcategory->description . '</p>'; ?>
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