• Hi,

    I have two plug-ins that can use http:BL to block spam (yours and Bad Behavior), but I prefer to use yours, as I want to “give back” with your Honeypot functionality. However, as far as I can tell, your plug-in doesn’t seem to block spammers on the http:BL blacklist, even though I have it enabled and set to “Harvester” and “10” for IP blocking.

    1) All the spam IPs I have seen in the IP cache log are Stop Forum Spam IPs (I have both Stop Forum Spam and Project Honeypot enabled).

    2) When I turn on Bad Behavior’s http:BL support, it captures a ton of spam on the http:BL blacklist, even though your plug-in’s Project Honeypot support is still enabled.

    3) With your plug-in’s http:BL support on, but with BadBehavior’s off, I also get a ton of spam on the http:BL blacklist being picked up by my other anti-spam plug-in (WP Hashcash). When I switch on Bad Behavior, it blocks this spam before it gets to Hashcash, but your plug-in does not.

    So how can I know if Project Honeypot support is actually working? Everything I can see seems to indicate that it isn’t.


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