• How do i know if there is a question.
    I understand that there would be an unanswered question in the back end product page , bit how am i to know if there is an actual question? Is there some type of notification?

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  • Thread Starter KennyWilliamson


    With reference to this i see an email comes to me, but is rejected as it goes to the server and says i do no own this property. So it doesnt direct to the actual email address.Any help would be appreciated.

    Plugin Author expresstechsoftware


    Hello @kennywilliamson ,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    This will be fixed in our upcoming version we are pushing to upload next week.


    Plugin Contributor Sunny Soni


    Hello @kennywilliamson ,

    This issue has been fixed, please download the latest version. This version will also notify the users when an admin answers their question or changes one of the answer of their question.

    If the plugin does the job for you, all we want is love, so if you can leave a review for us, it will be a lovely memory and asset for us.


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