I dont know exactly how to answer the validity question. are you referring to something as in page rank? traffic is traffic no matter who it is or how it got there.
If you are referring to page rank, than PR is more worried about links from a high PR coming to your site than what people click to get there.
Relative … you might think of something like technatori (sp?) which will link your site (or psots in blog) to “relevent” area on there site where others have relevent topics.
As far as pull the feed from your WP blog to your site..
you can do a search for it on https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=WZPA,WZPA:2005-37,WZPA:en&q=add+rss+to+html+website
and there are quite a few places to read up on it and how to do it.
the RSS from your blog is most likely at https://www.whateveryourblogis.com/feed/
https://www.whateveryourblogis.com/atom/ or